“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Week of May 3

Greetings from Swedlanda!This week began with Confirmation Sunday. Jordan, Zach, and Brady affirmed their baptism in the presence of members of the congregation, family and friends. The choir also sang “Called to the Water”. As you can see from the photos, many came to celebrate the day. Jill B. was the official photographer. Confirmation represents for these young people a milestone on their journey of faith. May they be open to the presence of Christ on the way.The Trees and Grounds committee were at work last week at both the parsonage and church. They trimmed trees, picked up branches and removed a few trees, including the old apple tree in front of the parsonage.Next Sunday is Mother’s Day and then we will celebrate High School Senior Recognition Sunday a week after that.

A few announcements follow.

God’s blessings to you, Pastor Stewart

The Council has approved the recommendation of the Worship and Music Committee as follows: the Sunday worship service will be held at 9:30 a.m. beginning May 24 (Memorial Day weekend) and will continue for the fall schedule (beginning Sept. 13), with choir at 8:30 a.m., worship at 9:30 a.m., and the educational hour/fellowship at 10:30 a.m. This schedule will be re-evaluated after a year.

South African Guests Visit Area Churches The Minnesota Valley Conference has invited Dean Khumalo and Moses Mahlangu from the Vryheid Circuit in South Africa to visit area congregations May 27-June 18. The visit is part of the mission partnership formed to walk with our brothers and sisters in Christ, utilizing identified resources and assets on both sides. A lasting relationship will deepen the understanding of the culture, politics and visions for hope.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Not the old apple tree! A big part of my childhood has been dismantled! That is SO sad...