“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The week of April 26

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Today was Soil and Water Stewardship day, the Sunday on which we traditionally ask for God’s blessing on soil, water, seeds, and sowers of the seed. God was ahead of us and provided a much needed shower before worship began. The planting season has begun in earnest.

We also focused another kind of seed we have stewardship over, the word of God. Jesus sends the disciples into the world as witnesses. The message of the Gospel seemed especially fitting in light of Swedlanda’s mission statement: The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.

This past week, LaVaun D. and I represented the congregation at the annual meeting of the Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations. We worshipped together, heard an inspiring message from Dr. Terrence Fretheim from Luther Seminary, enjoyed a nice meal, and attended workshops. I was impressed with a magnolia in bloom on campus.

Next Sunday we will be confirming three young men from the congregation, Jordan A., Zach P., and Brady Z. We also will have our monthly Swedlanda Family Sunday School and will focus on the question “What part does the Holy Spirit have in your faith story?" I hope to see you then.

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart

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