“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Week of May 31

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Kasey P. was at our worship service today and I learned after the service that she is the valedictorian at BLH. Also, Ralph & Corrine S. were at church with family members, including granddaughter Sophie, who is the valedictorian at her high school in Duluth. Congratulations to these two young women for their accomplishments.

Our South African visitors, Dean “Scottie” Khumalo and Moses Molanghu are now in our conference. I met them at the Welcome Event held on Saturday at Christ Lutheran in Glencoe. They will be making their way around our conference, visiting as many places as possible. They will be in our area for a few days at the end of the week and will be staying with Jim and Eileen R. Unfortunately, it was necessary to cancel the picnic in the Franklin City Park next Saturday, June 6, but the two will be present for worship at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Fairfax on Sunday, June 7 at 10 a.m. For this reason, there will be no church at Swedlanda and all are invited to attend Our Savior. We continue to grow our relationship with our partners on the other side of the globe. The announcements below list some of the other opportunities to meet our visitors.

My godson and nephew, Jamar, was confirmed today at a service at Gethsemane Lutheran in Minneapolis today. I was able to be present for the rehearsal and photos and made it to a reception today. The symbolism of the Day of Pentecost lent itself to the celebration. Jamar has invited others into his congregation, which is an indication of how the Spirit works through us to communicate the good news of what God has done. That is the message of Pentecost and our inspiration as we share with others in the world around us.

I will be on vacation for a week, but plan to be back in time to hear our South African friends speak at Our Savior’s. I hope to see you there. Please note the announcements for the coming weeks.

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart


The South African guests will stay in homes of church members, offering more opportunity to deepen the relationship by experiencing their everyday lives.

The schedule so far:

June 1- Worship at St. Paul’s Lutheran, Gaylord, 7 p.m.

June 2- Picnic potluck at Grace Lutheran in Brownton, 5:30 p.m.

June 3- Ice cream social and band concert at Bernadotte Lutheran, 5 p.m.

June 4- Visit Southwestern Minnesota Synod office to meet Bishop and staff.

June 5- Lunch with Zion Lutheran in Buffalo Lake. Dinner with First Lutheran in Hector.

June 6- Attend educational program at Gloria Dei Lutheran in Redwood Falls, 9:30 a.m.

June 6- Afternoon picnic in the Franklin Park, hosted by Central Lutheran.

June 7- Our Savior’s Lutheran in Fairfax for 10 a.m. worship followed by reception.

June 10- Lunch at St. Matthews in Fernando. Potluck supper at Augustana Lutheran in Gibbon.

June 11- Social at Scandian Grove Lutheran in Norseland, 6:30 p.m.

June 12-14- Synod Assembly at Gustavus in St. Peter.

June 14-16- Stay at Camp Onomia to experience summer youth program.

June 16- Farewell banquet at Trinity Lutheran, St. Peter, 6 p.m. (reservations are requested by June 14 to 507-934-4786 or office@trinitystpeter.org.)

For up to date information check the Southwestern Minnesota Synod website (www.swmnelca.org). Go to global missions/companion synods/partnerships. There is a link to Minnesota Valley Conference. Or call host committee chair Dave Pedersen at 320-328-9911.

Vacation Bible School will be held at Swedlanda June 8-12, 5:30 – 8 p.m. and the VBS will lead the worship service on Sunday, June 14. Our neighbors at Palmyra Covenant Church will be joining us. All children are welcome to come, so please invite any who might be interested. Our VBS Director is Theresa F. and she is looking for some volunteers to help.

The Swedlanda Ice Cream Social and Midsummer Event will be held on Wed., June 17.

4:30-7:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social & Supper Menu: Pork Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Beans, Pie, Cake & Home-made Ice Cream, Coffee & Lemonade. Sponsored by Renville County Chapter 31315 of Thrivent Financial.

7:00 p.m. Program: Come join The Gjerset Family singing group for an evening of family-based gospel songs. The singing group consists of 8 family members that enjoy singing the “good old” gospel songs.

ICE CREAM MAKING FOR ALL on Monday, June 15 at 6:30 p.m. Please come and help. Pies will also be needed. Thank you.

Campers needed for Green Lake Bible Camp and Shores of St. Andrew! Scholarships are available through our Men’s and Women’s groups and through Green Lake Lutheran Ministries. Consider inviting a young person, friend or neighbor who is not a member of the congregation as part of our outreach. Contact Pastor Stewart for further information.

Swedlanda will be hosting the Renville County Hospice “Service of Remembrance” on Monday, June 22 at 7:00 p.m. This service provides an opportunity to remember loved ones who have passed away and those receiving hospice care.

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