“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Week of April 5

Greetings from Swedlanda! Come visit the labyrinth! Members of the Evangelism Committee have constructed “The Prayer Path” in the basement of the church. The Prayer Path is a journey of prayer, self-discovery and encountering God. It provides a place to get away from the busyness of your life and dedicate an hour to prayer, contemplation of Scripture and spiritual commitment. This can be a part of your spiritual pilgrimage and an opportunity for a personal encounter with God.

Stations on the way:

Inward Journey: preparation-reflection-receiving-giving

Noise: many messages compete for our attention-stillness-quiet
Letting Go: tension-concerns-worries-release
Hurts: broken relations-sin-letting go-forgiveness
Distractions: “false norths”-focusing on God Holy Space: God’s space with you-love and healing
Outward Journey: God made flesh in your life-receiving and giving
Self: mirror-God’s gift of life-made in God’s image The Planet: energy of creation-God’s world-the gift of life-seeds
Others: relationships-prayers
Impression: prints in the sand-what we leave behind
You can use the Prayer Path at any time during the week, through Friday, April 10. Assistance is available Wednesday, 5-9 p.m., Thursday and Friday, 5-7 p.m. Our thanks to those who have planned and prepared the labyrinth.

The Maundy Thursday and Good Friday worship services each begin at 7 p.m. On Easter Sunday, the Sunrise Service is at 6:45 a.m. followed by a breakfast served by the Luther League. A service of Holy Communion begins at 9:30 a.m.
Palm Sunday began today with a surprise from Mother Nature—a Spring Snowstorm. Nonetheless, we had a good attendance. We had a great Family Sunday School event, with several people sharing their faith stories. During the worship service, the choir led a palm processional and sang an anthem. The Passion story according to St. Mark was read for the congregation, focusing on the cross of Christ and the role this plays in our spiritual journey.In the afternoon, some of our members attended a special Palm Sunday event hosted by the Ministerial Association and held at First Lutheran in Hector. Bishop Jon Anderson of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA was there to show slides from his recent trip to Israel and Palestine and to give us some fresh insights from the perspective of the “living stones” who are residents of the Holy Lands.
On last Wednesday the focus of the Lenten service was on Faith and Testimony. Our three confirmation students, Brady, Jordan, and Zach led the service and shared their faith stories.

Last Thursday, the women of the church had a Unit Meeting with a program by Jill B. on health trends in our county and state. I was presented some balloons in celebration of the completion of my radiation treatments. Thank you!

Have a Blessed Holy Week. I hope that we will see you soon! Pastor Stewart

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