“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Week of April 19

Greetings from Swedlanda,

This past week, Swedlanda hosted the Spring Conference of the Minnesota Valley Women of the ELCA, with about 100 women in attendance. The Esther Circle provided the meal and decorations, Bill Elmstrom offered a program on the work of Global Health Ministries, and there was an election and installation of officers.The South Africa Partnership Committee of our Conference also met during the week to finalize plans for a visit from the dean of our companions in the Vryheid Circuit. This will take place May 27-June 18.

Today at Swedlanda, we explored the concept of shalom or peace. The risen Lord Jesus Christ invited the early disciples into a new life. He invites us too. The narrative of Scripture changes us as we enter the stories. I shared with the congregation a basket of encouragement I received from the Rachel circle at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Hector. Each day, a gift is opened with a message of encouragement from the Scriptures. Where do you find encouragement and inspiration?The altar flowers today were in honor of Lyndon and Ruth’s 43rd anniversary. Congratulations!
After worship, I joined several of our members at the Kiwanis breakfast in Hector. Nancy and I have been helping with these breakfasts for some years and appreciate the support of our community.

God’s peace be with you this week.
Pastor Stewart

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