“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Week of November 23

Greetings from Swedlanda,

Today is Christ the King Sunday, the last Sunday of the church year. That means that Advent will begin next Sunday. Check the announcements below for Thanksgiving Eve and Advent Event schedules.

Last Sunday, I distributed dollar bills to illustrate the parable of the talents. A few more collected their dollar today, bringing the total to $71. How much will be returned on the investment? More importantly, what will we return to God for all the blessings He has provided? People have been doing some interesting things with their dollars so far. One member is using her dollar to help produce baked goods which will multiply the amount for more baking. If you have a story to share, please let me know. Names will be withheld upon request.

Speaking of sharing, do you have a good faith story that could be shared on the Swedlanda blog site? We have been talking about this extensively at our intergenerational Family Sunday School. Part of our mission involves telling others our story. Send me your story and I will pass it on with your permission.

Today we remembered many of our partners in mission, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Southern Africa. Specifically, we prayed for the family of Dean Mkwananzi of the Umvoti Circuit, who recently died in an auto accident. The dean hosted two people from Olivia who traveled to South Africa this year on behalf of our synod.

I hope to see you soon at Thanksgiving time or at the Advent Event. God’s blessings during this week.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


The Swedlanda Thanksgiving Eve Program begins at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26, followed by fellowship, pie and coffee. Our guest speaker for the evening is Dale Hanson from Central Lutheran, Franklin (pictured with Dean “Scottie” Khumalo. He has traveled to the Vryheid Circuit (our companion conference) in South Africa and will share about his experience there and what our Partnership Committee is doing to further that relationship. ALL FAMILIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING PIES. The Men in Mission are hosting for the evening. On Thanksgiving Day, there will be a worship service at 9:30 a.m. Please join us. Offerings for Thanksgiving Day have been designated for the Renville County Food Shelf. Contributions will be matched by Thrivent.

The 2008 Advent Event will be held on Sunday, November 30. Crafts, gifts, baked goods and services will be offered at a live & silent auction. A meal will be served following the worship service and there will be decorating, crafts and a silent auction. Donations can be brought to the church anytime beginning today.

"Add a dollar, change a life." The Renville County Salvation Army is asking for our help this Christmas season. Traditionally, they ring their bells and collect donations in the red kettle. We will be collecting any donation you would like to make in the large jar on the narthex table. The money raised in this way will stay in Renville County. If you would prefer to contribute directly, you can mail your contribution to 612 East Lincoln Ave., Olivia, MN 56277 (at Renville County Heartland Express).

Santa’s Closet of Renville County needs your help. A list of suggested items can be found on the box in the entryway. Donations of gifts and/or money are welcome up until Dec. 2. Join the group from Swedlanda that will be working at Santa’s Closet in Danube on the morning of Dec. 3. Call Ruth F. for details. Financial contributions can be sent to PO Box 115, Olivia 56277.

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