“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Week of November 2

Greetings from Swedlanda,

God be with you on this All Saints’ Sunday. I wasn’t sure if we would have many saints at Swedlanda this morning. As you can see, the farmers have been working hard on the harvest and the fields are beginning to look bare. But I needn’t have worried, as we had a good attendance. Perhaps the extra hour of sleep we got after turning our clocks back was a factor.

Before worship began, Gail D. led our Swedlanda Family Sunday School in a discussion about ways in which friends have shared their faith with us and biblical characters or stories that have inspired us. We also talked about the Book of Faith initiative in our synod. We sang and even had a craft. We started making friendship bracelets. I don’t know if I’ll ever get mine finished! It didn’t help when I spilled my coffee on the directions.

Several of those on our prayer list were with us this for worship, including Tom G., Dale D., John G., Suzy R., Doug S., and myself. Annabelle R. is back at her assisted living apartment after an overnight stay at the Willmar hospital. It’s wonderful to see the answer to our prayers. We are grateful to God for His healing powers. We also had some guests in church today, Ralph & Corrine’s daughter Julie and her family.

The choir also sang an offertory today and we had Holy Communion at the chancel railing.

A few of the events coming up at Swedlanda are listed below. Before we know it, Advent will be upon us.

God grant you His grace this week. Find an opportunity to share the Good News with someone.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


The 2008 Advent Event Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, November 30, so now is the time to work on your contribution. Crafts, gifts, baked goods and services are welcome. Donations can be brought to the church beginning Nov. 23.

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Lutheran, St. Peter – Pastors Alan Bray & Don Holmstrom

1114 W Traverse Rd. Phone: 507-934-3060

Program: Pastor Brad Thom, Glencoe

"Looking at positives in Iraq"

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.

Program and business meeting followed by noon meal


The treasurer's books will close on Sunday, November 30th. If you are planning to make a contribution that you wish to have included in this year's report, please make it prior to that date. Thank you.

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