“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Week of August 31

Greetings from Swedlanda on Labor Day Weekend!

I hope you have had an enjoyable time with family or friends. We have had some wonderful weather in the Hector area recently.

Today at Swedlanda Emily L. offered some wonderful special music in addition to accompanying the congregation’s singing. Gail & Gary D. offered refreshments for the fellowship following worship. Our thanks to those who made special contributions today.

We remembered those who had surgery this past week: Theresa F. and Suzie R. Both are recuperating at home now. We also prayed for those in the past of Hurricane Gustav.

An important note about our schedule for next Sunday, which is Rally Day at Swedlanda:

On Sunday, September 7th, the Swedlanda Family Sunday School will begin at 9:15 a.m. This is a once-a-month event for people of all ages. Gail D. has something special planned for us, as we share our faith stories together, so be sure to come. Worship will begin at 10:15 a.m. and will be followed by a Hog Roast.

I hope all can join us as we begin the new schedule.

We focused on the Gospel Lesson from Matthew 16:21-28 in which Jesus invites us to take up our cross and follow him. Have you ever noticed how many crosses we see at worship every Sunday? You are welcome to read the message for the day by following the link on the right.

God bless you this week and always.

Pastor Stewart


The Wednesday morning Bible Study begins at 8:00 a.m. Bring your Bible and join us. No preparation necessary as we study the text for the week in light of our discipleship.

The Swedlanda Council meets on Wednesday, September 3 at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Stewart is the host.

The Swedlanda Women of the ELCA will have a Unit Meeting on Thursday, September 4 at 9:30 a.m.

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Swan Lake Lutheran, Klossner

5140 Fort Rd (5 mi. SE on Cty Rd 5) Pastor Garry Grunzke

Phone: 507-228-8906

Program: Pastor Jim Knutson, South Africa

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.

Program and business meeting followed by noon meal


Habitat For Humanity Local Chapter Update

The Hector & Buffalo Lake builds are complete and very nearly paid for and the next build will take place in Fairfax, where pre-applications are circulating and the community is getting involved. They have a golf tournament scheduled for September 20 at the beautiful Mayflower Country Club in Fairfax and are also planning to do another car raffle. Call Julie Nesburg at 507-426-8187, or write her at PO Box 526, Fairfax, MN 55332 to register for the tournament. Financial contributions are always welcome and if you would like to help with planning, come to the monthly meeting at Our Savior’s Luth. on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

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