“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, August 17, 2008

The Week of August 17

Greetings from Swedlanda!

We are having some beautiful weather. And although several families have been vacationing, there were still quite a few at worship today, including some visitors. How quickly the summer months are going by. It will soon be time for school to begin. Some of our college students are already returning to campus.

Many have expressed their concern and have offered their prayers for me and my family recently. Thank you very much. I am both humbled and grateful. I can report that Nancy and I had some positive news regarding my prognosis when we met with a doctor specializing in radiation therapy last Thursday. He said that the CT and bone scans gave no indication of any spread of cancer beyond the prostate. That means that I will likely have surgery and if tissue samples in the area surrounding the prostate and the lymph nodes show no sign of cancer, radiation will probably not be necessary. We will meet with the surgeon on Tuesday and hopefully he will confirm that and set up a time for surgery. We appreciate your continued prayers.

On this, the third Sunday of the month, we are encouraged to remember our Companion Synod in prayer. Therefore, we prayed for:

Our Companion Synod, the Southeastern Diocese of South Africa and Bishop Sibiya

Our Companion Conference, the Vryheid Circuit and Dean Khumalo.

O, Lord of Our Worldwide Church, among our congregations here in the Minnesota Valley Conference we are seeking to develop a closer relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Vryheid Circuit in South Africa. Bless these fellow Christians and guide us as we strive to grow closer and find important ways to serve each other in the years to come. (Prayer written by Rev. Bill Nelson, Trinity and St. Paul’s Lutheran, Gaylord)

Here are a few announcements. As usual, my sermon for the day is available through the link on the right.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


The Treasurer’s Report for August indicates a checking account balance of $1,191.46 in the general fund. The Building Maintenance Savings Account Balance is $21,892.79.

The Christian Education Committee will meet on Wednesday, August 20 at 7:00 p.m. Members are: Jill B., Chair; Gail D.; Brian L.; Kasey P.; Keith P.; Lynn P.; Sandy P.; and Amy Z.

All are invited to a meeting of our local chapter of Habitat For Humanity at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Fairfax on Tuesday, August 19 at 7:00 p.m.

Mentor Works Too-Kinship is conducting a Back to School Supply Drive for students in Renville County. Please place your donations in the box located under the mailboxes in the entryway by August 18th. All items collected will be distributed to low income students in Renville County so they start school excited and ready to learn. If you would like to support the project with a financial donation please mail it to: MentorWorks Too-Kinship, P.O. Box 225, Renville, MN 56284 Memo: Back to School Supplies

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