“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Week of August 24

Week of August 24th

Greetings from Swedlanda,

We must be drawing close to the end of summer—I went to the State Fair last Saturday with family members. The best part (outside of “everything on a stick”) was a trip to the Miracle of Birth barn and a visit with Squeaky, the largest boar at 1240 pounds.

Back home at Swedlanda, the weather has cooled a bit and is quite comfortable. I won’t be long before we begin our fall schedule. Rally Sunday is on September 7 and I anticipate our traditional hog roast following the 10:15 a.m. worship service. I want to assure you that Squeaky will not be on the menu.

Jill B. played for our worship service and also provided special music. After worship, we had a fellowship time with refreshments provided by Wendy & Brad W.

During the service, I taught the congregation a song that Nancy and I learned at the Global Mission Event this year, “Bambelela”. Once you learn that word, you know all the words to the song. It is a song from the Xhosa people of South Africa, many of whom live in our Companion Synod. Nelson Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu are Xhosa. The word “bamelela” is usually translated “never give up”, but a more literal translation is “hold on”. It seemed appropriate in light of our Gospel lesson. Our faith in Jesus Christ is the rock of our lives, which we hold on to in all circumstances. You are welcome to read the sermon through the link on the right side of the web page.

We have added to our prayer list some of our members having surgery this week, Suzie (Eileen) R. and Theresa F. Please remember them in your prayers. Also, a date has been set for my surgery, September 10. I expect to be at Methodist Hospital just overnight. A week later or so, I should get a report from the surgeon indicating whether or not any spread of cancer outside of the prostate was found during surgery. Nancy and I are very grateful for your continued prayers and support.

God bless you this week and always.

Pastor Stewart


The Wednesday morning Bible Study begins at 8:00 a.m. Bring your Bible and join us. No preparation necessary as we study the text for the week in light of our discipleship.

The Swedlanda Council meets on Wednesday, September 3 at 7:00 p.m. Pastor Stewart is the host.

The Swedlanda W-ELCA will have a Unit Meeting on Thursday, September 4 at 9:30 a.m.

Habitat For Humanity Local Chapter Update

The Hector & Buffalo Lake builds are complete and very nearly paid for and the next build will take place in Fairfax, where pre-applications are circulating and the community is getting involved. They have a golf tournament scheduled for September 20 at the beautiful Mayflower Country Club in Fairfax and are also planning to do another car raffle. Call Julie Nesburg at 507-426-8187, or write her at PO Box 526, Fairfax, MN 55332 to register for the tournament. Financial contributions are always welcome and if you would like to help with planning, come to the monthly meeting at Our Savior’s Luth. on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m.

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