“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Week of August 23

Greetings from Swedlanda,

This was a big day for me! The congregation celebrated my 60th birthday and the 30th anniversary of my ordination. We had a big crowd and most of my family members were able to join us. My daughter Teresa was the lector and my son Christopher gave the sermon. Both did a wonderful job. After worship, the congregation went downstairs for coffee and fresh caramel rolls, with a program organized by Eileen R. Several members offered words of appreciation. It was a deeply moving and affirming experience for me. After nearly 23 years at Swedlanda, I have been privileged to share many memories with those in our family of faith. Thanks be to God for His presence in our lives!

The congregation honored me with a new alb and stole. My children gave me a beautiful cross that Teresa found in Texas. Inspired by a sermon illustration, Joyce N. encouraged everyone to add one dollar to a collection for an “ELCA Good Gift” in my honor. She called later on to say that exactly $60 was collected. She will report later on as to the nature of the gift. Maybe we will be able to get a goat!

Nancy made a wonderful meal for the congregation and Teresa and family friend Katie S. helped serve. After our meal I was presented with a cake complete with 60 candles, fire extinguisher at the ready.

All in all, it was a wonderful day and I am deeply grateful for all of the kind thoughts and support. Thank you to all who made it possible.

Have a blessed week.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart

P.S. Bishop Mark Hanson sent out an update on the ELCA Churchwide Assembly which was held last week. It is available through this link:


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