“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Week of July 19

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Today we had our annual outdoor service on the east side of the church. It was a beautiful setting, very comfortable with birds chirping and a view of the big silver maple tree in the church cemetery. Megan S. played on the electronic keyboard for us and following the service of communion, we had a potluck. As usual, I ate too much; it was all delicious. Doug T. provided the cake in celebration of his birthday today.

I am heading into the Twin Cities today and will begin a week of continuing education at Luther Seminary on Monday. This is an on-campus session on “Theological Foundations for Congregational Vitalization”, part of the Doctor of Ministry program I am enrolled in. I will be gone this coming Sunday and Gail D. will share a message with the congregation relating to her experiences at the Annual Synod Assembly, which was held in June.

Then, on either August 1st or 2nd, I will be leaving on a mission trip to Lee Valley Ranch in the Black Hills. I’m looking forward to seeing Dick & Cynthia Borrud and spending some time at the ranch amid the natural beauty. We will have a project to work on at the ranch and will spend some time sightseeing. I’m sure we will visit the Wildlife Loop in Custer State Park; we always see a lot of animals there. You should join us. If you want to come, contact me.

God’s blessing during the week,

Pastor Stewart

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