“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Week of March 22, 2009

Greetings from Swedlanda, God reveals Himself in a paradox…light in darkness…life in a symbol of death, the bronze serpent and the cross of Jesus Christ. We are on a Lenten pilgrimage and God is shaping us spiritually. On Sunday our choir sang an offertory, “Great High Mountain”.We have had a good attendance at the Lenten Midweek Services. The services have been preceded by a meal and last Wednesday, the Luther League provided a unique menu: pizza. It seemed to be quite popular with everyone. The service following focused on spiritual disciplines-truth and justice. This week, the focus will be on healing and prayer. Why don’t you join us?God bless you,
Pastor Stewart

Here are a few announcements:

My final radiation treatment is scheduled for this Wednesday, March 25th, a week sooner than I anticipated. I would like to thank all of those who have accompanied me to treatments, including Bob F., Todd P., Theresa F., Jim R., Calvin A., Olga S. and Lila Mae A., Lyndon A., and Nancy S. And thank-you also to all who have been praying for me or have sent cards. You truly have been “bearing one another’s burdens” on my behalf. The radiation oncologist tells me it will take about 2-3 weeks to recover from the after effects of radiation. Pastor Stewart

Minute for Mission, March 13, 2009, from Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM): The children in India need your prayers - it's exam time! While they will continue with their classes to the end of their school year in mid-April, each standard (grade) takes final exams in March. Like tests in the U.S.A., these exams serve as proof of progress. If you or your congregation sponsors a child(ren) through Lutheran Partner's Project Education India, please pray with us for good test results so they may continue their studies next year or receive their completion certificate.

The Renville County chapter of Habitat for Humanity is selling tickets for their new car raffle. First prize is a 2009 Chevy Malibu or $20,000 cash, 2nd prize is a 42” LG LCD HDTV, 3rd prize is a Dell Inspirion Laptop computer, and 4th prize is an IPod Touch. Tickets are $50 each and no more than 1000 tickets will be sold (probably more like 800-850). The drawing will be April 4 at the Frontier Bar in Fairfax between the 2 semifinal Final Four college basketball games. Tickets will be sold until the end of the 1st game, if available, but are on sale now at Maynard’s, Dueber’s, Fairfax TV, VanHon’s Law, Larson’s Chevrolet or call 507-426-8302 for ticket info.

Palm Sunday Special Event – Bishop Jon Anderson of the Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA will be the guest speaker for this year’s Buffalo Lake-Hector Ministerial Association Palm Sunday Special Event, Sunday evening, April 5th at 3:00 p.m. Bishop Anderson recently completed a trip to Israel and Palestine and will share reflections on the Holy Week texts along with photos and reflections on the current struggles in the Holy Land.

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