“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Week of June 8

Greetings from Swedlanda,

As you can see, preparations are under way for the Midsummer Festival. Several faithful members came to help make ice cream. Be sure to join us if you can on Wednesday, June 18, beginning at 4:30 p.m. The 7:00 p.m. program topic: Tent Meeting. Reminiscent of the revival meetings that were held in tents on the outskirts of town, Kim and Vicki have put together an energetic program of gold ‘ol gospel songs! Time to clap those hands and shout “Glory, Hallelujah”!

Today at church the Bruns family provided a coffee & juice fellowship as a farewell to their international student, Tom Bjorkman. We also sang “Happy Birthday” to Ray C., who will be celebrating his 85th this Wednesday.

Vacation Bible School is being held this week, June 9-13, 5:30-8:00 p.m. The worship on June 15 will be led by VBS.

The Southwestern Minnesota Synod of the ELCA will have an Assembly at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, June 13-15. The Assembly theme is “Come and Follow Me”. Bishop Louis Sibiya of our Companion Synod in Africa will be there this year. Our delegates are Erik D. and Gail D. Pastor Stewart will also be in attendance.

Summer Camp Time! Take advantage of the opportunity at local Bible camps such as Green Lake Lutheran Ministries or Lee Valley Ranch (our trip is scheduled August 3-7). Scholarships are available: the Men In Mission will provide ½ the cost and the Women of the ELCA will provide $100. Sign up today!

Have a good week and God bless,

Pastor Stewart

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