“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week of June 15

Greetings from Swedlanda!

It was a very busy week at Swedlanda, as we hosted children from our community for Vacation Bible School. The theme was “Rainforest Adventure” and included lessons about sharing, caring, and growing in faith. The younger kids had a class led by Kara P. while the older kids were with Pastor Stewart. Jill B. did a great job of leading the singing, while several volunteers helped with providing supper. Our able VBS Director, Theresa did a great job of recruiting and organizing. The VBS led the worship service, while Pastor Stewart attended the Annual Synod Assembly.

Gail and Eric D. were delegates at the Assembly, which was held Friday through Sunday at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. Gail helped serve communion on Sunday. Bishop Louis Sibiya was a guest and spoke at the Assembly and preached at our closing worship service. It was wonderful to see him and his wife, Mumsy, again. I was their guest for breakfast one morning when I went to visit our Companion Synod in 2005 with my daughter, Teresa.

This week we will be having the Swedlanda Midsummer Event. The notice is below. Hope to see you there!

Have a great week and Happy Father’s Day to all who are fathers.

God bless,

Pastor Stewart

“A Midsummer’s Festival” will be held at Swedlanda Lutheran on Wednesday, June 18

4:30-7:00 p.m. Ice Cream Social Supper Menu: Pork Sandwiches, Potato Salad, Beans, Pie, Cake & Home-made Ice Cream, Coffee & Lemonade. Sponsored by Renville County Chapter 31315 of Thrivent Financial.

7:00 p.m. Performing and presenting at the Festival will be Kim Schnitzer & Vicki Marthaler of "Sing & Tell the Story" Midsummer's Eve historically is the day set aside to celebrate John the Baptist's birth. Program Topic: Tent Meeting. Reminiscent of the revival meetings that were held in tents on the outskirts of town, Kim and Vicki have put together an energetic program of gold ‘ol gospel songs! Time to clap those hands and shout “Glory, Hallelujah”!

All families are asked to provide 2 pies for Midsummer. Set-up will be at 3:30 p.m.

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