“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Week of May 4

Greetings from Swedlanda,

It was quite a day at Swedlanda on Sunday, which was High School Senior Recognition Sunday. We honored six local graduates: Matthew, Shala, Tom, Megan, Ashley, and Nicolette. The congregation is very proud of them and wishes them will in the future. Swedlanda member Dr. Carla (Dean) Kilty, who is a veterinarian practicing in New Hope, gave an excellent message. I have added the text of her message to the sermons which can be accessed through the link on the right-hand side of the page. The choir also sang “People Need the Lord” during the service and Megan provided a prelude and special music. The women of the church presented each of the graduates with a quilt and a brunch provided by parents of the Junior class was held before church. It was a great get-together.

Our Sunday prayers included those having birthdays or anniversaries, according to a new policy recommended by the Worship & Music Committee (see below). We also prayed for the family of Mary Kay Swierenga, who passed away Saturday. Mary Kay is the sister of Carol Toreen.

I have included a few announcements below. Have a wonderful week.

God bless,

Pastor Stewart


Worship & Music Committee Recommendations

The Committee met last Sunday to make Special Music assignments for the summer and plan for the summer worship services. They also made the following recommendations:

Birthday/Anniversary Recognitions. In the future, birthdays and anniversaries for the week will be included in the Prayers of the Church instead of being recognized during announcement time. This means we will not be singing “Happy Birthday” prior to the service.

Holy Communion. Beginning this month, communion will be celebrated at the railing on the first Sunday of the month, with intinction being used during the remaining Sundays.

In collaboration with the Renville County HRA/EDA, local photographer Ron Bolduan has made photos of Renville County available on the HRA/EDA website at www.renville.com. Click on the “Photos” link on the top of the page (in the green header). Pictures of Svedlanda are included in the collection. A link to the site has been placed on the right-hand side of this blog.

Our Relay for Life team is once again planning a garage/bake sale fundraiser for May 15-17 (Thurs. PM through Sat. 1PM). Because our sale has outgrown mom’s garage, Curt S. is donating the use of his “Nuts and Bolts” building on Hwy 212. If you are spring cleaning and have items to donate; you can drop those off at Lois F’s home in Hector let us know and we’ll pick them up. As always, thank you so very much for your support for helping us find a cure. Deb R., Wendy W., Doug T. & the FCS Cornfield Commandos team.

This year’s Vacation Bible School is scheduled from June 9-13 5:30-8:00 p.m., with the worship on June 15 to be led by VBS. If you would like to provide a meal for one of the evenings or help with teaching, please contact Theresa F. Thank you.

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