“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Week of May 11

Greetings from Swedlanda,

Happy Mother’s Day to all who are mothers! There were several celebrating families represented at the worship service today. It was also the Day of Pentecost, so the focus was on the Holy Spirit. Guess what Pastor Stewart used as an illustration today!

Unfortunately, it doesn’t feel much like Mother’s Day outside. It has been quite wet and the weather service said it got down to 34 degrees overnight. The parsonage tulips are not showing any color yet, but the magnolia tree is in bloom.

We had some lovely flowers inside from the funeral of Mary Kay Swierenga, the sister of Carol Toreen. Services were conducted last Wednesday in Prinsburg.

The Swedlanda Family Sunday School was assembled today as we finished the Bible study on heroes of the Bible. Also, we had some fresh cinnamon and caramel rolls baked by Nancy.

Check out the sermon on the right and note the announcements below.

May God’s Spirit be evident in your life this week.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Stewart


The Summer Worship Schedule begins on Memorial Day Weekend. On Sunday, May 25, worship will begin at 9:00 a.m.

We will have a Coffee & Juice Fellowship after church beginning on Sunday, June 1, providing we have volunteers. Please sign up on the sheet in the entryway. Thank you.

At a meeting held Oct. 7, the congregation voted to approve a recommendation from the council that covered several maintenance/repair projects: Replacement of the parsonage deck ($6-7,000); Church siding to be completed by 2009 ($23-25,000); Belfry floor maintenance; and a plan to replace shingles within 10 years. Your contributions toward these property items are much appreciated. Thank you. Total in the fund: $15,110.62.

Our Relay for Life team is planning a garage/bake sale fundraiser for May 15-17 (Thursday PM through Saturday 1PM). Because our sale has outgrown mom’s garage, Curt Sampson is donating the use of his “Nuts and Bolts” building on Hwy 212. If you are spring cleaning and have items to donate; you can drop those off at Lois F’s home in Hector or let us know and we’ll pick them up. As always, thank you so very much for your support for helping us find a cure. Deb R., Wendy W., Doug T. & the FCS Cornfield Commandos team.

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