“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Week of March 30

Dear Swedlanda Friends and Family,

What a difference a week can make! The Swedlanda sanctuary looked rather empty at the 2nd Sunday of Easter service in comparison to the week beforehand. All of the out-of-town company went home and possibly a few regulars have finally decided to take a spring break. I don’t blame them, as the weather man is predicting another winter storm for the last day of March.

I wonder if the disciples were having some of the same feelings as they met together a week after Easter. All of the Passover crowds had gone home by that time and they were left to themselves. Even so, Jesus came.

But it was great to see some of our members who no longer live near the church. Several of them have “gone forth and multiplied” as was evident from the babies who were with us on Easter Sunday. Our community has changed and we miss the young people.

The Day of Resurrection is now past and we are waiting for spring to catch up. It seems like several events that were on hold before Easter are now being scheduled. I have included a few notices below in case you have the opportunity to take advantage of them. The sermon for the day is also available through the link on the right.

Have a great week.

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart


Men In Mission will have a rescheduled meeting on Wednesday, April 9 at 8:30 p.m. Plans for the Midsummer Event need to be discussed, so bring your suggestions.

The Swedlanda Women of the ELCA will have a Unit Meeting on Thursday, April 3 at 1:30 p.m. Sandy Peterson has the program and hostesses are Karyn Lamb and Ruth Fredrickson.

2008 ELCA Global Mission Formation Event, May 2-3 Golden Valley Lutheran, Golden Valley. Registration $35 for a wide variety of workshops. Check the bulletin board.

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

St. Matthew's Lutheran/Fernando, Stewart

2402 County Road 7 Phone: 320-562-2647

Program: Pr. Rebecca Sullivan, Bethany Lutheran, Judson

"Conference/Circuit Relationships" MN Valley / Vryheid Circuit-SE Africa.

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.

Program and business meeting followed by noon meal


Attention: Farmers/Gardeners. Your expertise could be very valuable in our relationship with our Companion Conference, the Vryheid Circuit in South Africa. They are trying to develop skills in growing food in small plots to help improve nutrition in rural communities. Come to the AIM meeting on April 12 to find out more (see the above notice). Thank you.

There will be an open house to celebrate Winston Johnson’s 90th birthday at the Hector Community Center on Sunday, April 6, from 2-4 p.m.

Palmyra Covenant Church is hosting a Spring Concert on Sunday, April 6 at 6:00 p.m. featuring the Svenskarnas Dag Girls Choir from Minneapolis. The choir will sing in both English & Swedish. A free-will offering will be received. A lunch will be served following the concert.

“Good Grief” will be sponsored by Renville County Hospice. The sessions will be held on Tuesday evenings April 1,8,22,29 and May 6 from 7-9 p.m. at Renville County Hospital Conference Room, 611 E. Fairview Ave., Olivia. All are welcome and invited to this resource for those who have experienced the death of a loved one. Please call 320-523-3451 for information and registration.

Jesus, Justice, and Jazz. The 2009 ELCA Youth Gathering will be in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 22-26, 2009. Youth and parents are invited to an informational meeting on Sunday April 6, 2008 at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Hector. The meeting will begin at 7 pm.

At a meeting held Oct. 7, the congregation voted to approve a recommendation from the council that covered several maintenance/repair projects: Replacement of the parsonage deck ($6-7,000); Church siding to be completed by 2009 ($23-25,000); Belfry floor maintenance; and a plan to replace shingles within 10 years. Your contributions toward these property items are much appreciated. Thank you. Total in the fund: $12,989.72.

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