“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Week of March 14

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Signs of spring: It’s been very foggy for the last week and our snow is melting quickly. Snowbirds are returning from the south. Palm Sunday is only two weeks away!

Today at our worship service we enjoyed a floral arrangement in honor of Annabelle’s 98th birthday. She is our oldest member and is doing very well at the Buffalo Lake Healthcare Center. She enjoyed a birthday party on Saturday with family and friends.

At worship today we sang “The Happy Wanderer” a capella and reflected on the ways in which God has always been with His people during their wanderings and how He welcomes us into a new life in Christ. Afterwards we had time for fellowship and refreshments, renewing acquaintances with Nathan A., his sister Tara P., her husband Pat and their children-very cute. Bible study followed. A great Sunday to be together!

Throughout Lent, we have enjoyed reflecting on our South Africa partnership with Jim & Eileen R. They have brought us a new awareness of how we all are part of the body of Christ. Our conference has become active in building this relationship following a trip to South Africa in January. Our journey together should be exciting!

Lent also means Lenten supper! Each Wednesday, a group from the church has provided wonderful meals. They provide a great time for fellowship. Come and join us! Thank you to all who have completed the survey on spiritual practices at Swedlanda. If you haven’t filled one out and need an extra copy, please let me know.

Blessings to you during this time of renewal,

Pastor Stewart

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