“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Week of March 14

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Signs of spring: It’s been very foggy for the last week and our snow is melting quickly. Snowbirds are returning from the south. Palm Sunday is only two weeks away!

Today at our worship service we enjoyed a floral arrangement in honor of Annabelle’s 98th birthday. She is our oldest member and is doing very well at the Buffalo Lake Healthcare Center. She enjoyed a birthday party on Saturday with family and friends.

At worship today we sang “The Happy Wanderer” a capella and reflected on the ways in which God has always been with His people during their wanderings and how He welcomes us into a new life in Christ. Afterwards we had time for fellowship and refreshments, renewing acquaintances with Nathan A., his sister Tara P., her husband Pat and their children-very cute. Bible study followed. A great Sunday to be together!

Throughout Lent, we have enjoyed reflecting on our South Africa partnership with Jim & Eileen R. They have brought us a new awareness of how we all are part of the body of Christ. Our conference has become active in building this relationship following a trip to South Africa in January. Our journey together should be exciting!

Lent also means Lenten supper! Each Wednesday, a group from the church has provided wonderful meals. They provide a great time for fellowship. Come and join us! Thank you to all who have completed the survey on spiritual practices at Swedlanda. If you haven’t filled one out and need an extra copy, please let me know.

Blessings to you during this time of renewal,

Pastor Stewart

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Week of February 28

Greetings from Swedlanda,

Much has been happening at church since the beginning of the Lenten season. Last week, we began a series of midweek services focusing on our partnership with the people of the Vryheid Circuit in South Africa. Jim and Eileen R. have been sharing their stories and photos of their experiences there in January. Nancy S. and Julie H. began working on special banners and paraments which reflect the significance of the partnership. “Uhambisano” is the Zulu word for “walking together,” which describes the mutual relationship between our congregations and conferences. It is “God’s Work” to develop the partnership through “Our Hands.” Hands of different colors are reflected on the banners, which provide a beautiful display for Lent.

On Sunday afternoon, the Minnesota Valley Conference held a Spring Assembly with concluded with a program on the recent trip to South Africa. Twenty people from our Conference were there to see what life is like in this very rural area of Kwa-Zulu Natal. Most homes are very simple and have no running water, but the people are filled with joy and faith. We have much to learn from them.

During the Sunday morning worship service, John Friberg shared the story of his work in China, where he and his wife Joy have been teaching and helping the local people. Some of those they have been working with live in very remote areas where travel is difficult. John’s engineering expertise has been put to use in building foot bridges. John’s father, Dr. Daniel Friberg was Swedlanda’s pastor in the 30’s.

Last Saturday, several members of Swedlanda worked together on a project called 212: Highway to Haiti! Kids Against Hunger organized the packing of food for relief in Haiti. Together we boxed up many bags to be shipped. During Lent our special offerings will be evenly divided between our South Africa Partnership and Kids Against Hunger.

As you can see, this has been a season of helping others in need as the hands and feet of Christ in the world.

On Sunday, I also distributed a survey about helping others and other Christian practices at Swedlanda, as they lead us into God’s mission. The survey includes 12 questions and is being conducted as part of my classes at the Seminary in the area of Congregational Mission. Members 18 and over who communed during 2009 are invited to take the survey. If you have already completed a survey, thank you. I will be distributing the survey by email also for those who would like to participate, but won’t be able to pick up a copy at church. When the results have been analyzed, I will share them with the congregation.

The remainder of the week will also be filled with activity. On Wednesday, there will be a Lenten supper beginning at 5:30 p.m., followed by worship and 7:00 p.m. On Thursday at 1:30 p.m., the Swedlanda Women of the ELCA will meet to hear a program given by a representative of the U.S. Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs. On Friday at 1:30 p.m., the World Day of Prayer service will be held at Zion Methodist Church in Buffalo Lake. On Saturday at 9:30 a.m. there will be a meeting of the Ambassadors In Mission of our conference at Christ Lutheran in Glencoe; the featured speakers will talk about their recent trip to South Africa. And next Sunday, there will be a planning retreat from 2 – 5 p.m. at Gustavus Adolphus College to talk about future plans for our South Africa partnership. All are welcome to take part in any of the above.
Blessings upon you during this Lenten season! Pastor Stewart