“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Week of February 15

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Yes, we are prepared for a blizzard at Swedlanda now. Thanks to the generosity of some of our members, the congregation now has a new snowblower. The sight brought tears to my eyes. It even has a light and hand-warmers! Old Diablo, the old snowblower, is now in retirement after many years of service.

We began the service today with some reminders of the Valentine’s Day celebration of yesterday. Annabelle’s lovely arrangement enjoyed a place of honor and the prelude, “My God”, was sung by several Swedlanda “sisters” who spent Valentine’s Day singing for many area residents. From left to right: Emily, Jill, Karyn, Cindy, Deb, and Wendy. You will have to ask Jill about the “hot tub incident” at the Buffalo Lake Nursing Home.

Our lessons for the day shared a healing theme involving lepers. Jesus Christ desires to enter our lives and awaits our willingness to open the door to him. This well-known painting of Jesus based on Revelations 3:20 hangs in our entryway where members often gather for prayer, study of Scriptures, and discussion: “Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking; if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.” When we invite Jesus into our lives, his presence is a source of healing and wholeness. He chooses to bless us. The message for the day is available through the link on the right.

Several of our members were working at the Lion’s Flapjack Festival in Hector today-a ministry of service to the young people of our community. Nancy and I joined many others from our community after worship for a good meal and fellowship.

My radiation treatments have been going well, thanks to the prayers and support of many in our congregation and community. Last week, Bob F. and Eileen R. accompanied me on trips to Minneapolis.

Next week we will be joined by Pastor Roger Semmler from the Prisoners of Hope ministry in Appleton. Join us to hear about this important ministry.

May your week be blessed with the presence of Christ.

Pastor Stewart

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