“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Week of October 12th

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Things have slowed down a bit in the com
munity due to the wet weather we’ve been having, but the farmers have made some progress on the harvest. It sounds like it will be wet again tomorrow.

The choir sang today at worship. We also had some folks there who have been on our prayer list lately: Suzie R., Tom G., Dale D., Bernice C., and myself. Our prayers are important! Today we included the following prayer for our Companion Synod in Southern Africa:

“We pray for the decision makers in the South Eastern Diocese in South Africa as they elect a new Bishop today. May they find a shepherd to lead them in the mission of Christ, including the fight against HIV/Aids, poverty and violence. We pray for Bishop Sibiya as he enters retirement and we give thanks for his wisdom and service.”

The Gospel lesson today was the parable comparing the kingdom of heaven to the wedding banquet given by the king for his son (Mat
thew 22:1-14). “Everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet.” I found this photo from the wedding of Melissa and Andrew W. in my archives. I think Jill B. took it. It expresses joy at a celebration. If you would like to read the sermon, check the link on the right. If you have a new hotmail or MSN address let me know, and I will send you an invite.

Here are a few announcements. Have a blessed week!

Pastor Stewart


Come join the fun! It’s time to begin practice for the 2008 Christmas cantata Journey of Hope. Rehearsals are planned for Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at Faith United Methodist in Olivia. The concert will be held on Thursday, December 4 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Olivia. Deb R. is directing and Cyndi W. is the accompanist. New members always welcome!

How can you make a difference? By attending the "Make a Difference" fundraiser benefiting the Renville County Outreach Program of Shelter House. Last year, this program assisted 122 survivors of domestic violence and 24 survivors of sexual assault in Renville County. This year's event will be held on Friday, November 14 at Max's Grill in Olivia. It includes a great banquet dinner, live music during dinner, silent and live auction items for bid, and dancing with the D.J. until late in the evening. Tickets cost $25. Guest speaker for the evening is Vickie Swenson. Vickie and her husband Eric took in her sister's four children when an ex-boyfriend murdered their mother in September 2006. The funds raised at the "Make a Difference" event will be used by the Renville County Outreach Program to assist survivors from the Renville County area in finding safety and planning for a successful future. We'd like to show our support by having a table of eight people attending so check your calendars for the date and contact Eileen R. to get your name on the list. We'd appreciate your reservation by October 20. Thank you.

Why didn't we think of that before? Recently we held a healing and prayer service for Pastor Stewart before his surgery for prostate cancer. Because we believe in the power of prayer and the power of support we get from one another in Christian community, the church council has decided to pursue the possibility of healing and prayer services on either a regular or as-requested basis. We are looking for ideas or suggestions as to your wishes on how to proceed. Think it over, discuss it, and pass your ideas along to either Pastor Stewart or Council Chair Eileen R. Some things to consider might be: the scheduling (regular or as requested)? During an existing worship service or as a separate service? Group or individual recipients? Informal planning as needed or an organized ministry? Or any other ideas you might have. We appreciate your help

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