“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Week of April 13

Greetings to Swedlanda family and friends,

It was quite a morning at Swedlanda today! The big event was the baptism of Madison Lynn Washburn, daughter of Brandon and Nicole. She was a good baby throughout the service, even though startled with a splash of water. There were quite a few visitors here for the baptism—very nice to see. We had a reception for Madison before the service began in the church entryway.

Olga S., the “Swedlanda hugger” was back with us today also. She is back in her own home after a long recovery period following surgery and a stay in the Golden Living Center in Olivia and Prairieview in Hector. We were all very happy to see her.

We were saddened to learn that Terry Walsh, brother of Lynn Fredrickson passed away last week at the age of 45. Our thanks for prayers on behalf of the family.


The Swedlanda Family Sunday School will be held next Sunday, April 20 at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Be sure to plan on coming to this event for all ages.

Our Relay for Life team is once again planning a garage/bake sale fundraiser for May 15-17 (Thursday PM through Saturday 1PM). Because our sale has outgrown mom’s garage, Curt S. is donating the use of his “Nuts and Bolts” building on Hwy 212. If you are spring cleaning and have items to donate; you can drop those off at Lois F’s home in Hector or let us know and we’ll pick them up. As always, thank you so very much for your support for helping us find a cure. Deb R., Wendy W., Doug T. & the FCS Cornfield Commandos

Student Recognition Sunday has been scheduled for May 4. Those being honored are: Matthew A., Shala A., Tom B., Megan S., Anna T., and Nicolette W.

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