“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Week of April 27

Greetings from Swedlanda!

On Wednesday of last week, this handsome tom turkey decided to pay the Swedlanda Bible study group a visit. He came right up to the south door and peered in. He was a little camera shy, but after circling the church a few times, he came across the street to visit the parsonage and kept me company just outside the south door. He’s welcome back anytime. You are also welcome to stop by on a Wednesday morning.

This Sunday we celebrated Earth Sunday and Soil and Water Stewardship. The weather has been a bit unseasonable, as you can see from photos taken on Saturday morning. Perhaps this was a spring reminder to take better care of Mother Earth. It certainly got our attention.

Don’t forget to check out the Sunday sermon. Just use the link on the right.

Next Sunday is High School Senior Student Recognition Sunday. Those being honored are: Matthew Aarons, Shala Anderson, Tom Bjorkman, Megan Sandgren, Ashley Toren, and Nicolette Wertish. There will be a brunch at 9:15 a.m., so be sure to join us to celebrate the milestone accomplishments of these students. We will also have a special speaker: Dr. Carla (Dean) Kilty, who now practices veterinary medicine in New Hope.

A community fundraiser for victims of the Cottonwood bus accident will be held on Friday, May 2, 3-9 p.m. at the NEW Hector Fire Hall on Hwy 212. Brats, Hot Turkey Sandwiches and Baked Beans will be served. Free Will Donation. The event is supported by the members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans through the Care in Regions Program

Have a great week! May God bless you.

Pastor Stewart

Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Week of April 20

The Week of April 20

Last Wednesday, the men of the church got together for a project at the parsonage. They took off the old deck, which needs replacement. They were having so much fun, they just kept going, removing the concrete steps and walks on the south and west sides. We should do this more often! Just a question: Now that the deconstruction phase is done, what’s next? Keep watching for further developments.

At our Sunday service today, we honored Tracy H. with song for her 21st birthday. Lyndon and Ruth A. were also recognized as they prepare to celebrate their 42nd year together this Wednesday.

We remembered those who have lost loved ones recently. There was a memorial service for Terry Walsh in Manitowoc, WI on Saturday. Terry is the brother of Lynn (Mark) F. A funeral for Stanley J., Winston’s oldest son, is scheduled for Wed. in Caldwell, Idaho. May God bring these families the comfort of His loving presence.

Our quilters brought a sampling of their handiwork to Swedlanda today. They have completed 147 quilts this year and will now take a break for a few months. What a wonderful ministry!

This afternoon, Megan S. gave her senior piano recital at First Luth. in Hector. She is wonderfully talented and we wish her well as she begins college this fall.

A few other announcements are listed below. Have a great week.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


A community fundraiser for victims of the Cottonwood bus accident is being planned by churches and service organizations in our area. It will be held on Friday, May 2, 3-9 p.m. at the NEW Hector Fire Hall on Hwy 212. Brats, Hot Turkey Sandwiches and Baked Beans will be served. Free Will Donation. The event is supported by the members of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans through the Care in Regions Program, matching $1 for every $3 raised up to $1,000. Volunteers are needed for 2 hour time-slots at the event. Time is short, so please sign up in the entryway today! Thank you.

The Minnesota Valley Women of the ELCA will have a Spring Assembly at Christ Lutheran, Glencoe on Tuesday, April 22 beginning at 5:30 p.m.

Student Recognition Sunday has been scheduled for May 4. Those being honored are: Matthew A., Shala A., Tom B., Megan S., Ashley T., and Nicolette W.

Our Relay for Life team is once again planning a garage/bake sale fundraiser for May 15-17 (Thursday PM through Saturday 1PM). Because our sale has outgrown mom’s garage, Curt S. is donating the use of his “Nuts and Bolts” building on Hwy 212. If you are spring cleaning and have items to donate you can drop those off at Lois F’s home in Hector or let us know and we’ll pick them up. As always, thank you very much for your support for helping find a cure. Deb R., Wendy W., Doug T. & the FCS Cornfield Commandos team.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Week of April 13

Greetings to Swedlanda family and friends,

It was quite a morning at Swedlanda today! The big event was the baptism of Madison Lynn Washburn, daughter of Brandon and Nicole. She was a good baby throughout the service, even though startled with a splash of water. There were quite a few visitors here for the baptism—very nice to see. We had a reception for Madison before the service began in the church entryway.

Olga S., the “Swedlanda hugger” was back with us today also. She is back in her own home after a long recovery period following surgery and a stay in the Golden Living Center in Olivia and Prairieview in Hector. We were all very happy to see her.

We were saddened to learn that Terry Walsh, brother of Lynn Fredrickson passed away last week at the age of 45. Our thanks for prayers on behalf of the family.


The Swedlanda Family Sunday School will be held next Sunday, April 20 at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Be sure to plan on coming to this event for all ages.

Our Relay for Life team is once again planning a garage/bake sale fundraiser for May 15-17 (Thursday PM through Saturday 1PM). Because our sale has outgrown mom’s garage, Curt S. is donating the use of his “Nuts and Bolts” building on Hwy 212. If you are spring cleaning and have items to donate; you can drop those off at Lois F’s home in Hector or let us know and we’ll pick them up. As always, thank you so very much for your support for helping us find a cure. Deb R., Wendy W., Doug T. & the FCS Cornfield Commandos

Student Recognition Sunday has been scheduled for May 4. Those being honored are: Matthew A., Shala A., Tom B., Megan S., Anna T., and Nicolette W.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Week of April 6

Dear Swedlanda friends and family,

I believe there are more things going on now than before Easter! We had quite a few at worship today, several of whom were in town to help Winston J. celebrate his 90th birthday. The congregation sang “Happy Birthday” to him, of course. Later in the afternoon, there was an open house for him at the Hector Community Center. Many old friends were there to renew acquaintances; it was a wonderful celebration. Winston is the oldest man in the congregation now.

Many of our “snowbirds” have now returned from the south, a hopeful sign of spring. It is always great to have them back at church.

We began our service with an anthem sung by the choir, which is always appreciated. Swedlanda has been blessed with people who are gifted musically. The Nyhus family remembered Amy with some beautiful arrangements today. Amy passed away 15 years ago on Saturday.

After church services today, I saw many of the same people repeatedly, first at the Kiwanis breakfast, where I volunteer my services, and then later at the open house. It was a big day! As a result, I decided to pass on some evening meetings.

We have been praying for Dale D., who was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. He is now receiving treatment in Gainesville, FL, which is near the home of his daughter, Kim. Cards can be sent to Dale and Joyce at 5201 Griffen Dr., Hahira, GA 31632.

Next Sunday, Madison Lynn W., daughter of Brandon and Nicole will be baptized during the worship service. There will be a Coffee Reception that morning in the entryway of the church beginning at 9:15 a.m. Because of the reception, the Swedlanda Family Sunday School will be moved to the following Sunday, April 20 at 9:15 a.m. in the church basement. Be sure to plan on coming.

A few other announcements follow. If you would like to read the sermon for the day, you can find it through the link on the right.

God bless you this week,

Pastor Stewart


Stewardship of the Good News: Conversation about our Ministry Together. An event for all at Peace Lutheran in Winthrop, April 8, 2008, 7-9 p.m. Issues addressed: Mission Support for our synod and Churchwide ministries; Teaching and modeling stewardship of God’s abundant blessings; Walking together with other members of the Body of Christ.

Men In Mission will have a rescheduled meeting on Wednesday, April 9 at 8:30 p.m. Plans for the Midsummer Event need to be discussed, so bring your suggestions.

This year’s Vacation Bible School is being scheduled from June 9-13, with the worship on June 15 to be led by VBS.

Student Recognition Sunday has been scheduled for May 4. Those being honored are: Matthew A., Shala A., Tom B., Megan S., Anna T., and Nicolette W.

The Buffalo Lake Habitat For Humanity project could use a few hands next Wednesday April 9th around 10 am to help put up the shed door and get the storm doors hung properly. The address is 522 NW 3rd St. Please come if you can. Thank you.

All are invited to a Habitat For Humanity meeting at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Fairfax on Tuesday, April 15 at 7:00 p.m.

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

St. Matthew's Lutheran/Fernando, Stewart

2402 County Road 7

Phone: 320-562-2647

Program: Pr. Rebecca Sullivan, Bethany Lutheran, Judson

"Conference/Circuit Relationships" MN Valley / Vryheid Circuit-SE Africa.

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.

Program and business meeting followed by noon meal


Attention: Farmers/Gardeners. Your expertise could be very valuable in our relationship with our Companion Conference, the Vryheid Circuit in South Africa. They are trying to develop skills in growing food in small plots to help improve nutrition in rural communities. Come to the AIM meeting on April 12 to find out more (see the above notice). Thank you.

The Woodbury Singers Of Renville County under the direction of Richard Alton present "May There Someday Be Peace" Sunday, April 13 at 4:00pm, St. Andrew's Catholic Church, Fairfax. Free-will offering for the benefit of the Renville County Food Shelf.