“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Week of February 3rd

Greetings from Swedlanda!

The various fundraisers for Habitat For Humanity came to their successful conclusion today. Folks turned in their HFH banks today and we had a Souperbowl of Caring soup and sandwich meal after church as well. The Luther League added their collection too. Altogether, we reported a contribution of $448.32. In addition to that, several people contributed through the HFH raffle. The drawing for the raffle was held during the Super Bowl halftime. The winners were all local:

Mustang Convertible-Kevin Garlack, Edge Bar & Grill, Cedar Mills

Laptop-Sherri Broderius, Hector

$500-David Pautzke, Grove City

IPod-Sharon Stark, BL

TV-Susan Karnik, BL

Quilt-Julie Ufkes, BL

Congratulations to the winners and special thanks to all who contributed in some way. The real winners are the members of the community as we work together to provide affordable housing for people in our area.

During our worship service today we celebrated Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday of Epiphany. If you are interested in the sermon, it is available through the link on the right. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday this week; we will have a worship service at Swedlanda beginning at 7 p.m. that evening. Beginning on Wednesday, February 13, there will be a Lenten Supper at 6:00 p.m., followed by worship at 7:00 p.m. This year’s Lenten theme is “Bread for the Journey.”

Olga S. has been moved back to the Golden Living Center in Olivia, where she continues to recover from her surgery. Jim A. remains at the Univ. of Minn. Hospitals, where he has been moved back to the transplant wing. He is recovering from surgery and an infection and awaits word on treatment for lymphoma. He can’t have flowers and his visits are limited to family, but if you wish to send a card, here’s his address:

James E. Anderson
Fairview-University Hospital

Station 6B - Room #6-236

420 Delaware St SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Today we sang “Happy Birthday” to Doug S., who is celebrating on Saturday.

Quilters continue to work almost every week in the church basement. They enjoy a great fellowship.

The weather has been quite wintry and the parsonage scarecrows are bundled up. Keep warm and safe during the week.

God bless.

Pastor Stewart

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