“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Monday, February 25, 2008

Week of February 24

Greetings from Swedlanda,

We began this week on a bittersweet note. After struggling with serious health issues for over a year, Jim Anderson passed away last Thursday. His funeral service was held at Swedlanda on Monday. Although he enjoyed a few months of health after his transplant, he succumbed to other complications. We continue to keep Jim’s wife Phyllis in our prayers, as well as Jim’s children, Nathan and Tara. The good news is that Jim was prepared for this final journey and now rests with his Lord. In addition to the Sunday sermon, I have included the funeral sermon on SkyDrive, available through the link on the right.

On Sunday, the choir sang during the offering—always a highlight.

This Wednesday, there is a supper at 6:00 p.m., followed by worship at 7:00 p.m. This year’s Lenten theme is “Bread for the Journey.” This week, the meal will be served by the Esther Circle.

Below are a few opportunities coming up and a devotional thought. Have a great week!

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart

Called to Adventure

When an adult bird knows it's time for its babies to fly, it starts to push. Now if the chick doesn't get it, the adult bird starts to peck at the talons or feet of the baby. And it gets to a point where it becomes more painful for the little bird to hold on than to let go. You see, the adult bird knows there is no danger in making the baby bird do what it was designed to do. Birds have feet and can walk, and birds have talons and can cling, but walking and clinging was not what they were designed to do. And the mother bird knows that it is no big deal to force its babies to do what they were designed to do, which is flying. Flying is what birds do best.

God knows that giving ourselves to God's work and kingdom and to others is what we do best. That's the design of the universe. And some of us look pathetic clinging to the dead branch of this world – the dead branch of bank accounts and of things – clinging to a nest of selfishness.

We don't think we can risk because we have never let go. God is calling you today to let go.

And when we do, we will be amazed at the experience. We will soar. We will soar in God's grace.

– Source unknown

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 8374 8th Ave., New Auburn

Phone: 320-864-3561

Program: John Pederson, visitor to Vryheid Circuit, South Africa

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.

Program and business meeting followed by noon meal


Opportunities for personal enrichment

Congregational Leadership Day, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. March 1, 2008 at Faith Lutheran, Spicer. The Council has voted to pay the registration fee for any wishing to attend. Ask Eileen Roebke.

MN Valley Conference Assembly, March 9 at First Lutheran, St. Peter. John Ylvisaker will be there; he is a prolific song writer and enjoys both sharing his music and teaching. Swedlanda is encouraged to send 6 delegates, 3 men & 3 women. Others are also invited to attend as guests. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and the meeting at 2:00 p.m. At 3:30 p.m. John will provide a workshop for musicians, worship leaders, worship committees, etc.

Stewardship of the Good News. An event for all. Peace Lutheran in Winthrop: April 8, 2008

2008 ELCA Global Mission Formation Event, May 2-3 Golden Valley Lutheran, Golden Valley. Registration $35 for a wide variety of workshops. Check the bulletin board.

Green Lake Lutheran Ministries-youth, family and special camps plus retreats. Check out the 2008 brochure and the bulletin board.

The Salvation Army is looking for volunteers willing to receive Emergency Disaster Training. This training allows volunteers to get into a Disaster Zone and help people after a disaster has hit the area. The two day training is being offered at 8 a.m. March 27-28 (Thurs. & Fri.) at South West Initiative Foundation Building, 15 3rd Ave NW, Hutchinson. Contact Kim Sheets at 507-326-5017 to register.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Week of February 17

Week of February 17

Today is the Second Sunday of Lent. The passage of the season is about the only indication of spring on the horizon (the word Lent means “spring”). The temperature, which actually rose to thawing, is now diving down to a predicted low near zero and winds have been gusting at 40 mph.

We continue a Lenten series on “Bread for the Journey” and this Wednesday the Relay for Life Team will be providing a meal at 6 p.m.

I reported to the congregation today that Jim A. has returned to his home in Fairfax, where he will be under the care of Redwood Falls Hospice. Your prayers for Jim and Phyllis are appreciated.

Annabelle R. is now at Buffalo Lake Healthcare Center. On Thursday she received a special treat as a group of ladies came to serenade her for Valentines Day.

A few upcoming events are listed below. As usual, today’s sermon is available from the SkyDrive link on the right. God bless you during the coming week.

Pastor Stewart

Samwise (aka "Sam") was not welcome at the Westminster KC Dog Show.

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Immanuel Lutheran Church, 8374 8th Ave., New Auburn

Phone: 320-864-3561

Program: John Pederson, visitor to Vryheid Circuit, South Africa

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.

Program and business meeting followed by noon meal


Opportunities for personal enrichment

Congregational Leadership Day, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. March 1, 2008 at Faith Lutheran, Spicer. The Council has voted to pay the registration fee for any wishing to attend. Ask Eileen Roebke.

MN Valley Conference Assembly, March 9 at First Lutheran, St. Peter. John Ylvisaker will be there; he is a prolific song writer and enjoys both sharing his music and teaching. Swedlanda is encouraged to send 6 delegates, 3 men & 3 women. Others are also invited to attend as guests. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. and the meeting at 2:00 p.m. At 3:30 p.m. John will provide a workshop for musicians, worship leaders, worship committees, etc.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Week of February 10

Dear Swedlanda friends and family,

It was undeniably cold at Swedlanda this morning. Choir practice was canceled, but everything else went on as scheduled. At 9:00 a.m., when people started arriving for the Swedlanda Family Sunday School, the actual temperature was about 15 below and winds were about 25 mph, gusting to 34. That gave us a windchill somewhere in the 40 degree below zero range. The sun was out and there was no new snow, but one of our two furnaces was not firing, so the temperature in the entryway had dipped below 40. It was a bit warmer in the sanctuary, about 62 degrees. Even so, many hearty souls made an appearance. The message for the day is available through the SkyDrive link on the right side of the page.

There is hope for improvement. Already the temperature has soared to 8 below and winds have begun to diminish to about 13 mph. The windchill is around 30 below. And…I have a pansy blooming in a south window, one I planted from seed.

This was the first Sunday of Lent, so we have already begun our midweek services. This week, the Grace Circle will be serving a meal at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, followed by worship at 7 p.m. The theme is “Bread for the Journey.”

Our prayer list for today includes Jim A., who is hospitalized at Univ. of MN hospitals in St. Paul. He had another surgery on Friday to remove some more of his small intestine. He is already out of ICU and back in a room in the transplant ward, 6 B. We continue to pray for his healing. Olga S. is back at the Golden Living Center in Olivia, recovering from her recent surgery. Annabelle R. was added to our list and is at Renville County Hospital in Olivia; she expects to be released from there on Monday.

Tyler B. turns 18 this Saturday, so we sang “Happy Birthday” to him.

A few other announcements from the bulletin have been copied below. Have a good week. God bless.

Pastor Stewart

Opportunities for personal enrichment

Congregational Leadership Day, March 1, 2008 at Faith Lutheran, Spicer. The Council has voted to pay the registration fee for any wishing to attend. Ask Eileen R.

MN Valley Conference Assembly, March 9 at First Lutheran, St. Peter. John Ylvisaker, gifted musician, will be there. Swedlanda is encouraged to send 6 delegates, 3 men & 3 women. Others are also invited to attend as guests.

2008 ELCA Global Mission Formation Event, May 2-3 Golden Valley Lutheran, Golden Valley. Registration $35 for a wide variety of workshops. Check the bulletin board.

Green Lake Lutheran Ministries-youth, family and special camps. Check out the 2008 brochure.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Week of February 3rd

Greetings from Swedlanda!

The various fundraisers for Habitat For Humanity came to their successful conclusion today. Folks turned in their HFH banks today and we had a Souperbowl of Caring soup and sandwich meal after church as well. The Luther League added their collection too. Altogether, we reported a contribution of $448.32. In addition to that, several people contributed through the HFH raffle. The drawing for the raffle was held during the Super Bowl halftime. The winners were all local:

Mustang Convertible-Kevin Garlack, Edge Bar & Grill, Cedar Mills

Laptop-Sherri Broderius, Hector

$500-David Pautzke, Grove City

IPod-Sharon Stark, BL

TV-Susan Karnik, BL

Quilt-Julie Ufkes, BL

Congratulations to the winners and special thanks to all who contributed in some way. The real winners are the members of the community as we work together to provide affordable housing for people in our area.

During our worship service today we celebrated Transfiguration Sunday, the last Sunday of Epiphany. If you are interested in the sermon, it is available through the link on the right. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday this week; we will have a worship service at Swedlanda beginning at 7 p.m. that evening. Beginning on Wednesday, February 13, there will be a Lenten Supper at 6:00 p.m., followed by worship at 7:00 p.m. This year’s Lenten theme is “Bread for the Journey.”

Olga S. has been moved back to the Golden Living Center in Olivia, where she continues to recover from her surgery. Jim A. remains at the Univ. of Minn. Hospitals, where he has been moved back to the transplant wing. He is recovering from surgery and an infection and awaits word on treatment for lymphoma. He can’t have flowers and his visits are limited to family, but if you wish to send a card, here’s his address:

James E. Anderson
Fairview-University Hospital

Station 6B - Room #6-236

420 Delaware St SE

Minneapolis, MN 55455

Today we sang “Happy Birthday” to Doug S., who is celebrating on Saturday.

Quilters continue to work almost every week in the church basement. They enjoy a great fellowship.

The weather has been quite wintry and the parsonage scarecrows are bundled up. Keep warm and safe during the week.

God bless.

Pastor Stewart