“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Week of February 14

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Today was Valentine’s Day and the Sunday of the Transfiguration, two signs of changing seasons. But you would hardly know it from the scenes outside; winter still seems to have us in its grip. Even so, there is still beauty in the hoarfrost and snowdrifts that surround Swedlanda. Our poor reindeer is up to his neck.

Instead of the usual sermon, Steve Bruns brought the congregation a message from the Gideons, telling the story of how God works through His living Word. Steve is one of several Gideons from Swedlanda. Today he was ably assisted by Tyler.

Following a service with communion, members of the congregation gathered for fellowship and refreshments. Some stayed for the adult study before heading off for the Lion’s Club Flapjack Festival. Although our numbers are few at this time of the year because many head for warmer climes, we still have a great time together.

After a morning at church, Nancy and I went off to see our son Christopher take part in a Polar Bear Plunge in St. Peter. The event was a fundraiser for Special Olympics. After a jump in the lake, Chris warmed up in a hot tub, and then had a conversation with a polar bear.

The season of Lent will begin this week with Ash Wednesday services at Swedlanda. The word “lent” comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “spring,” so there is hope for warmer weather ahead. I hope you will have an opportunity to take part in the midweek services this year.

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart


Lent begins on February 17th with Ash Wednesday. We will have a 7 p.m. service that evening with an imposition of ashes. Our Lenten theme this year will reflect the spiritual practice of accompaniment, walking together with others in the name of Christ. Uhambisano is the Zulu word for this among our brothers and sisters in our Companion Circuit of Vryheid, South Africa.

On Sunday, February 28th, our missionary in China, John Friberg will be here to share a message during the worship service. Be sure to come and hear about the changes in John & Joy’s ministry in this new setting.

212: Highway to Haiti!

What: Packaging emergency food supplies for the earthquake-ravaged country of Haiti

When: Saturday, February 27, 2010 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Where: Palmer Bus Garage, Olivia, MN

Who: Organized by the youth from communities along the 212 corridor from Stewart to Sacred Heart, but open to all

Donations: Donations may be made directly to Kids Against Hunger/ImpactLives.org or through your local church.

Volunteer: A work schedule will be made available in the near future. Until then, reserve the date and begin organizing groups of people who can help.

Other: For about $32.50 you can pay for one full box of meals - Enough to feed one child for seven months!

(Note: The Swedlanda Church Council has voted to dedicate ½ of our Lenten mid-week offerings to Kids Against Hunger and ½ to our South African Partnership)