“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Week of September 20

It has taken the Swedlanda Notes editor almost a month to recover from the Big Party, so thanks for waiting patiently. It has been a busy time, with two weddings. The first was for Louise Sifferath and Josh Smith on Saturday, September 5. The second wedding was for Cassie Kiecker and Kyle Bruns, held at St. John’s Lutheran in Fairfax on Saturday, September 19. Both were beautiful weddings with very nice receptions. May God bless these couples in their marriages.

The Swedlanda sanctuary is definitely looking more like fall now, although the weather has been warm. The sweet corn harvest has been under way, but there are still fields of corn surrounding the church building. All of that will be changing very soon. Although Rally Sunday marked the beginning of the fall schedule at church, worship services remain at the same time, 9:30 a.m., and we continue to have a coffee fellowship afterwards. Choir practice will begin on the last Sunday of September, and will begin at 8:30 a.m. In October, we will combine the fellowship following worship with an opportunity for Sunday School/adult education. It’s always great to have so many gathered together on a Sunday morning.

There has been some activity at the parsonage as well. Jim R., Gary D., and Erik D. worked for two days replacing the door on the south end of the basement. They did a fine job.

The topic for today’s church service was on how Jesus brings the marginalized of society into the center of God’s people, as he did with the “little child” of the Gospel Lesson. Some of you will recognize the familiar painting from church.

After worship today, Nancy and I attended the Hector Lions Fly –in at the airport. Many interesting planes were on display and it seemed like the whole community had come out to enjoy a good breakfast and some fellowship.

May God bless you during the course of the week.

Pastor Stewart

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