“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Week of June 14

Midsummer’s! That’s the event of the week at Swedlanda. But much more has been going on. Last week was Vacation Bible School. Under the direction of Amy Hollan, the children led the Sunday worship service using the songs they had learned. After they service, they picked up their craft projects (squirrel feeders) and enjoyed a coffee & juice fellowship in honor of Ray C’s 86th birthday.Over the weekend, I was at the annual Synod Assembly at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, along with Swedlanda’s delegates, Gail D. and Erik D. The Swedlanda women sent quilts to the assembly. While there, we participated in worship services, heard some great Bible studies, listened to various reports, attended workshops, and participated in the business of the synod. LaVaun D. was there to oversee the Companion Synod table. Dean Khumalo, one of our guests from South Africa, gave a greeting to the assembly. Also, the assembly re-elected Bishop Jon Anderson to another six year term; Bishop Mark Hansen was present on behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and gave a report.

Many Swedlanda members were involved in making preparations for the Midsummer celebration, including those who came to make ice cream. Those coming to the event also enjoyed delicious pork loin sandwiches (courtesy of Kim & Keri A.), pies, potato salad and beans. The Gjerset Family provided entertainment for the program, offering “good old gospel” tunes, with many singing along. We had quite a turn-out and served somewhere in the neighborhood of 325 people.God’s blessings throughout the week,
Pastor Stewart

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Week of June 7

Greetings from Swedlanda!

Nancy and I made it back from vacation in time to be at open houses for graduates Kasey P., Tyler B., and Philipp T. Congratulations to them all! The cool, rainy weather was a little shocking after enjoying temperatures in the 80’s on the beaches of North Carolina.

We also were able to attend the worship service held at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Fairfax on Sunday morning. During the fellowship, I spoke with Dean Khumalo and Moses Molangu, our South African visitors. They stayed with Jim and Eileen R. for two nights and tried to recover a bit from the rigorous schedule and the change in climate. I was glad to see that we had a good turn-out from Swedlanda. About 30 were there.

Vacation Bible School has begun at Swedlanda under the leadership of Theresa F. She had several helpers, including Amy H., who is leading music this year. The kids were full of energy and excited to be there. Although it seemed a little chaotic, everyone seemed to be having fun. I counted about 40 young participants in addition to helpers. Can you imagine 40 hammers pounding away on squirrel feeders?

The Vacation Bible School will be leading worship this Sunday while I am at our Synod Assembly in St. Peter with Delegates Gail D. and Erik D. Be sure to come and support our VBS kids and staff.

Next week we will have the Swedlanda Midsummer Event on Wednesday, June 17. The Ice Cream Social & Supper will go from 4:30-7 p.m. and then there will be a program with the Gjerset Family singing group. I hope you can join us!

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart


The coffee/juice fellowship after worship on June 14 will be in honor of Ray Christensen’s 86th birthday.

ICE CREAM MAKING FOR ALL on Monday, June 15 at 6:30 p.m. Please come and help. Pies will also be needed. Thank you.