“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Week of December 27

Merry Christmas from Swedlanda!

We were finally able to celebrate the holiday at Swedlanda. Due to wintry weather, the Christmas Eve Family Service was postponed until Sunday. Christmas Day worship also had to be cancelled. The widespread storm also changed travel plans and Christmas family gatherings for many.

God provided a beautiful sunrise on a frosty morning. Grandma Jill, the Christmas Angel, made an appearance and read the Christmas story. The Swedlanda Choir offered two songs for the Christmas service, “One Small Child,” and “Carry the Light.” Megan S. and the Lamb family also provided special music and the congregation sang several Christmas hymns. There was also a reading of “The Christmas Light,” a candlelight service. Despite the lateness of the celebration, the service was well attended.

Other activities at Swedlanda included a Christmas party for the Esther circle last Sunday. Three wise men were patiently waiting for the potluck and white elephant gift exchange.
Andy and Melissa’s baby, Grady, was baptized also. It was a special day for several generations of parents and grandparents.

May God bless your family during the Christmas season and in the New Year.

Pastor Stewart

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Week of December 13

Greetings from Swedlanda!

It’s hard to believe how quickly the days have been flying by as we draw near to Christmas. Today at church, the Sunday School gave a program entitled The Treasure of Christmas, which focused on names of Jesus associated with Christmas. The young people all did a great job and after worship, we enjoyed fellowship and refreshments. Later, there was a Bible study about The Centered Life.

Here are some more pictures from the program.

Last week, the Swedlanda Women of the ELCA had their Christmas program and potluck. Everyone had a wonderful time together and as part of the program, we reflected on events surrounding the Christmas story.

Last Sunday, several members of Swedlanda participated in an encore performance of the community Christmas cantata, I Hear the Prophet Callin’; it was presented at First Lutheran in Hector. The first performance was conducted in Olivia on December 3rd. Deb R. was the director and Cyndi W. the accompanist. Quite a bit was raised to help with Santa’s closet and the Renville County Foodshelf.

May this time of year provide an opportunity for personal reflection as you consider the significance of God’s incarnation. He is present in our lives to reveal His love and draw us closer to Himself and to one another. God’s blessings in the coming days.

Pastor Stewart

Here are a few notices from the bulletin:

The Christmas Eve Family service will be held on Thursday, December 24th at 4:30 p.m. On Christmas Day, a service of Holy Communion will be held at 9:30 a.m. Be sure to join the Swedlanda Family of Faith for these services of praise and thanksgiving. It was decided at the Council meeting that offerings for Christmas Eve and Christmas day will be equally divided between Renville County Habitat for Humanity and the Renville County Food Shelf.

We are looking for participants in the Christmas Eve Family Service and welcome contributions from individuals or groups: readings, song, instrumentals, etc. If you would like to offer something, please let Deb R. or Pastor Stewart know. Thank you.

Thank-you to all who made the 2009 Advent Event so successful. Our sanctuary looks beautiful. Also, the live/silent auction & lunch raised $5,174 for the congregation, of which the Council has voted to tithe (10%) $500 for local missions through Renville County CIRCLE, which includes a household & clothing pantry, winter coats for kids, quilts for the needy, etc.

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