“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

We had a traditional Christmas Eve Family Service on Monday evening. The weather cooperated and there was a good attendance from members, family, and friends. The church was beautifully decorated and several families or individuals contributed to the service by reading Scripture lessons, singing or playing the piano. The congregation also sang Christmas carols. It was great to see everyone at this special event.

A service of Holy Communion was held on Christmas morning. This is always a service that’s more intimate and reflective, which is appreciated after all the excitement of the evening before. If you are interested in the message, use the link on the right.

I will have a week off, but something special is being offered next Sunday on the 30th. At 9:00 a.m. the Christmas Cantata Mary, Did You Know? will be performed. The Palmyra Covenant church will be our guest that day and there will be a potluck brunch following the cantata. Several members of the choir will be coming from the Olivia area and Deb R. will be conducting.

I wish you and yours a season blessed with the awareness of Christ’s presence.

In the name of Jesus, our Savior

Pastor Stewart

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Week of December 23

Merry Christmas…on a very blustery winter day. Today, it was even windier than usual on the Swedlanda hill. But the fellowship was warm inside. We began our service with an unexpected prelude from Ralph and Corrine’s daughter Julie L. and granddaughter Sophie—very beautiful. Our choir also sang today; Megan S. had a flute solo. Numerous special family events are being celebrated this week, including birthdays for Lynn P., Matt S., Kasey P., Joe W., and Doris J. and anniversaries for Charles & Nancy S. (31), Gary & Gail D. (37), Adam & Janine B. (6) and Kurt & Sue S. (23).

The Swedlanda sanctuary is looking very festive with numerous poinsettias. As usual, the message for the day is available from SkyDrive (link on the right).

I thought I would include a few photos from the past Wednesday, a very frosty morning. That evening, the Luther League met and our Men In Mission filled Christmas bags for the Christmas Eve service.

We are looking forward to that and to a service on Christmas Day. A few announcements can be found below.

God’s blessings and keep safe.

Pastor Stewart


The Swedlanda Christmas Eve Family Service is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. and will include offerings from our members.

The Christmas Day Service of Holy Communion will be held at 9:00 a.m.

The Swedlanda Church Council has voted to designate the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day offerings as follows: ½ Renville County Food Shelf; ½ Lutheran Social Services.

On Sunday, December 30 at 9:00 a.m., the 2007 Christmas cantata, Mary, Did you Know? will be performed at Swedlanda by members of the Olivia area choir as directed by Deb R. Members of the Palmyra Covenant Church will also be our guests that day. The program will be followed by a potluck brunch hosted by our Church Council. Please join us and invite others to come.

The Annual Meeting for Swedlanda Lutheran is scheduled for Sunday, January 13, beginning with the Cemetery Association meeting at 12:30. A potluck will be held immediately after worship on that day. The alternative date in case of bad weather is January 20. All officers of auxiliary church groups (W-ELCA, MIM, LL) and committee chairs/directors are reminded that their reports should be submitted to the church office as soon as possible.

Congratulations to Nick P. who graduated from SCSU with a Bachelor’s in Business Management.

The quilters of Swedlanda have a great ministry of providing quilts for various needs--Lutheran World Relief, local families in need, the fundraiser for Renville County domestic abuse prevention to name a few. Since we can't all quilt, perhaps we can support this ministry by a donation of funds. The jar on the narthex table is now accepting donations to help fund the quilters’ projects. Thank you.

Tonight the CBS television network will air a two-hour prime time program entitled "In God's Name." This special will feature extraordinary footage of 12 of the world's most influential religious leaders, including our very own Mark Hanson, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and president of the Lutheran World Federation. Tune in at 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

A Christmas Message from the Stewart Family

The Holy Spirit will come upon you,
the power of the Highest hover over you;
Therefore, the child you bring to birth
will be called Holy, Son of God.

– Luke 1:35, The Message

As we reflect on the Father’s love for us delivered by the Spirit and revealed in flesh of our Savior, we are filled with gratitude. May God draw us closer to Him day by day, surrounding us with His presence.

The Holy Trinity by Andrei Rublev

God bless us with an increased awareness of this love, that our relationships might always reflect that love. And may we make our home in Jesus Christ.

Pastor Charles and Nancy Stewart and family

The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ,

the extravagant love of God,

the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit,

be with all of you.

2 Corinthians 13:14, The Message

The Week of December 16

Greetings on the Third Sunday of Advent!

Today we had a Christmas Program presented by our young folks at Swedlanda. I was called “The Carpenter’s Dream” based on a story called “Where Love Is” by Leo Tolstoy. The classic Christmas tale is about a toy maker who encounters several people in need. He doesn’t realize that they represent the Lord. It was well done, thanks to Gail Dean and Brian Lamb, who staged it. Because of the program, there was no sermon for the day, although we did have communion.

There were quite a few visitors in church, including some that came for the program and some in town for family gatherings. It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just over a week away. The Church is decorated and some poinsettias have been appearing.

Lyndon A. is celebrating a birthday on Wednesday, so we sang to him. The choir also sang today during the offering.

A few announcements follow. Have a blessed week.

In Chris,

Pastor Stewart


The Swedlanda Christmas Eve Service is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. and we would like to encourage members of the congregation to bring their gifts to share. We will need readers and special music, in addition to offerings from the choir. Family groups are welcome, but so are individuals or instrumentals. If you would like to offer something, please let Deb Rath or Pastor Stewart know. Thank you.

The Christmas Day Service of Holy Communion will be held at 9:00 a.m.

The Swedlanda Church Council has voted to designate the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day offerings as follows: ½ Renville County Food Shelf; ½ Lutheran Social Services.

Looking for a great Christmas Gift? Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce Nyhus or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on SouperBowl Sunday, February 3, 2008.

A 30-day calendar and coin box has also been placed in mailboxes. Families are encouraged to use the calendar during the month of January and return them on February 3.

The Annual Meeting for Swedlanda Lutheran is scheduled for Sunday, January 13, beginning with the Cemetery Association meeting at 12:30. A potluck will be held immediately after worship on that day. The alternative date in case of bad weather is January 20.

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Week of December 9th

God’s Blessings from Swedlanda,

I hope all is well with you during this season of so much “busyness” (and business). I was just reading an article about this subject as a part of my coursework at the seminary, Taking Care of Busyness by John Ortberg. The basic premise is this: “You must ruthlessly eliminate hurry from your life.” Spiritually, our time and schedule-obsessed lifestyles distract us from what is really important, a life-giving connection with God. Jesus, you might remember, was a master at withdrawing for purposes of solitude and prayer. It is not a waste of time. This is something I need to re-learn from time to time and Advent provides the perfect opportunity to focus on this.

At Swedlanda this Sunday, we took time for God’s Word, prayer and praise. It was also a time for preparing. Instead of our usual Church Family Sunday School, rehearsal was under way for the Christmas Program which will be presented next Sunday. Gail D. has been organizing this and I look forward to seeing the program, which will be part of our regular 10:15 a.m. worship service.

Several Swedlanda members are celebrating their birthdays this week, including Kyle B. (21), Julie H., Bernice C., Keith P., and Jordan A. (14). Bernice, by the way, had a successful surgery and is recovering at her daughter’s home.

For those looking ahead to Christmas, the Christmas Eve Family Service is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. and on Christmas Day there will be a 9:00 a.m. service of Holy Communion.

As usual, the sermon for Sunday is available on SkyDrive through the link on the sidebar. Announcements and the calendar for the week are below.

Have a great week as you reflect on what is truly important in your life.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


The Swedlanda Christmas Eve Service is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. and we would like to encourage members of the congregation to bring their gifts to share. We will need readers and special music, in addition to offerings from the choir. Family groups are welcome, but so are individuals or instrumentals. If you would like to offer something, please let Deb R. or Pastor Stewart know. Thank you.

Megan S. was last week’s Terrific Teen on KOLV radio. Congratulations, Megan! We’re proud of you.

The Swedlanda Men In Mission will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 19 at 8:30 p.m. to fill Christmas bags. Hosts are Dave J. & Brian L. Please note that this meeting has been delayed a week.

The Luther League will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 19 at 7:00 p.m. Kasey P. is serving.

Thanks to all who contributed to the Swedlanda Advent Event. The silent auction took in $4654.00. The lunch (including jar) offering for the India Library project was $518.99; this plus 1/2 of the MIF interest ($196.60) was sent to support the project.

Looking for a great Christmas Gift? Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce N. or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

The next HFH meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lion’s Den, BL. All are welcome to attend.

The Annual Meeting for Swedlanda Lutheran is scheduled for Sunday, January 13, beginning with the Cemetery Association meeting at 12:30. The alternative date in case of bad weather is January 20. All officers of auxiliary church groups (W-ELCA, MIM, LL) and committee chairs/directors are reminded that their reports should be submitted to the church office by December 15.

The Swedlanda Church Council has voted to designate the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day offerings as follows: ½ Renville County Food Shelf; ½ Lutheran Social Services.

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Week of December 2

Winter has arrived at Swedlanda! I know, because I’ve been moving it around out in our driveway and on the church sidewalks. As you might imagine, it had the effect of limiting our Sunday attendance a bit. I don’t have any snow pictures, but you know what that looks like.

We are now in the season of Advent. The choir sang an Advent song as a prelude and Brady Z, our acolyte, lit the first candle of the season. The sanctuary is beautifully decorated, after our Advent Event. Speaking of which, Kevin, our treasurer, reports that the silent auction took in $4654.00. Thanks to all who participated.

Gail D. was recruiting young people (and possible a few older ones) to participate in the Sunday School Christmas Program, which will be presented during our worship hour on Sunday, Dec. 16. They will be practicing for this next Sunday.

A highlight of the day was the dedication of the Habitat For Humanity house in Buffalo Lake. Many were there to surround the Batson family with their love and prayers. It is a beautiful home and the dedication was very moving. Those involved in the project say that they have received much more than they have given. If you want to support our local chapter of HFH, consider purchasing a raffle ticket.

We added some folks to our prayers, including Deb C., who had a successful hip surgery last week, and Bernice C., who will be having a follow-up surgery on Tuesday. We also prayed for Pastor Becki Mathe from South Africa. I met him while there and hosted workshops at our Synod Assembly this year. His brother was killed in an auto accident recently.

My family and I did have the opportunity to attend Christmas In Christ Chapel at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter. The weather conditions were poor, but that didn’t prevent a good attendance. Here’s a photo taken by someone else (I forgot my camera). It was as beautiful, as usual, and the hymns and message all inspired.

Have a great Advent season as you prepare your heart for the coming of Christ.

Pastor Stewart

Here are some announcements from the bulletin:

The Swedlanda Church Council will meet on Tuesday, December 4 at 7:00 p.m. Todd P. is the host.

The Women of the ELCA will have a Unit Meeting on Thursday, December 6 at 12:00 p.m. Louise S. from Renville County Public Health will give the program at WELCA Unit meeting on Thurs., Dec. 6, 2007 to be held at noon beginning with at Potluck dinner. WELCA members are to bring their World Hunger offerings

Swedlanda has pledged $300 per year for 5 years to build a library for Melpattambakkam Girls School in India through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry. The Advent Event lunch offering for the India Library project was $518.99 + 1/2 of the MIF interest of $196.60 was sent. The total was $715.59.

Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce N. or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

The next HFH meeting will be on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lion’s Den, BL. All are welcome to attend.

The Swedlanda Men In Mission will meet on Wednesday, Dec. 12 at 8:30 p.m. to fill Christmas bags. Hosts are Dave J. & Brian L.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Week of November 25

Dear Swedlanda Friends and Family,

We had quite a day at church today with numerous guests! I would like to think it was my preaching, but it was more likely due to the fact that we had our Advent Event today. After worship, we had a live auction. Neil C. filled in as the caller because Tom G. was sick. People were very generous with their bids. Afterwards, we enjoyed a brunch prepared by the Evangelism Committee. A silent auction continued until 1:00 p.m., when the bell rang and bidders collected their trophies. Proceeds from the auction went to the general fund (I’m sure the amount will be reported later). Proceeds from the meal went to the Library Project (India) we are supporting through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry. We also had a craft project for young folks and then several people helped decorate our sanctuary for Advent and Christmas.

We sang “Happy Birthday” to Darlene S. and her twin, Darwin, and to Keri A. Ray & Eldonna C. are also celebrating their 18th wedding anniversary on Monday. I performed that wedding, an indication of just how long I’ve been around.

I was hoping to get to “Pitch In” today at First Lutheran, Hector. It was a fund-raiser for Kids Against Hunger, featuring area youth musicians, including our own Megan S. and Dawn J. Unfortunately, activities at church prevented my attendance.

This coming Thursday, several members from Swedlanda will take part in a Christmas Cantata being performed at St. Aloysius RC church in Olivia. Deb R. is the choir director, Cyndi W. the accompanist, Emily L. is a soloist, several are in the choir, and I am narrating. It is also a fundraiser through the Kiwanis club. I’m looking forward to it.

This coming weekend, my family and I are also planning to attend Christmas In Christ Chapel, an annual program performance at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, where my son Chris is a sophomore.

It’s a time of the year when there are many opportunities to be together with loved ones and reflect on what God has done for us. I hope you will be able to take advantage of some of these yourself.

I’ve added a few pictures from today as well as some announcements.

God’s blessings,

Pastor Stewart


The Swedlanda Church Council will meet on Tuesday, December 4 at 7:00 p.m. Todd Peterson is the host.

The Women of the ELCA will have a Unit Meeting on Thursday, December 6 at 12:00 p.m. There will be a potluck, with a program by Judy Johnson.

Swedlanda has pledged $300 per year for 5 years to build a library for Melpattambakkam Girls School in India through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry. A jar has been placed on the narthex table for your donations. Thank you for your help with this important mission.

Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce Nyhus or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

The Buffalo Lake HFH House will be dedicated on Sunday, December 2 at 2:00 p.m. All are invited to attend.

The treasurer's books will close on Friday, November 30th. If you are planning to make a contribution that you wish to have included in this year's report, please make it prior to that date. Thank you.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving - November 22

Happy Thanksgiving,

I hope you are able to be with some of your loved ones on this day of gratitude.

On Thanksgiving Eve, we were anticipating the return of the Lawburgh family, but due to illness, they were not able to come. As a result, Emily L. volunteered to share some of her experiences from her trip to Israel and Turkey with a group led by Ray Vander Laan. She did a wonderful job and we had a great evening together and enjoyed some hymn-singing also. Afterward, we went downstairs to enjoy pies made by members of the congregation. There were some able-bodied young people available, so the Christmas tree was erected also.

Today we took the opportunity to worship and give some thought to the topic of gratitude. It was nice to see some folks back in the community for a visit. If you are interested in the sermon, just use the link on the right-hand side.

There are no new announcements, but a reminder that this coming Sunday is the day of the Advent Event, which will be held after worship. There will be a craft for young people, tree decorating, an auction, and, of course, food. Join us if you can.

God’s blessings to you and your family,

Pastor Stewart

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week of November 18

Greetings from Swedlanda,

Today there was a hint of winter in the area. A shower turned into a light snowfall during church services. It all melted right away, but it was a reminder of things to come.

This will be a busy week, with a Thanksgiving Eve program at 7:00 p.m. and worship on Thanksgiving Day at 9:30 a.m. We are hoping to have the Lawburgh family from Hendricks back with us for Thanksgiving Eve.

Preparations are already under way for the Advent Event to be held next Sunday. People are already beginning to bring contributions for the silent auction.

We added a few names to our prayer list. Steve B. had a surgery on his shoulder and is recovering at home. Some friends from other area congregations passed away, including Bud Zempel of Hector and Ramona Hillman of Buffalo Lake. May God bless their loved ones with His presence and promises.

Nancy and I (and Christopher) were rather busy today with the Kiwanis breakfast, which will provide support for the Hector library, which will need to buy replacement computers soon. It’s always good to see so many from the community come out in support of such things.

You will find a few announcements and a calendar below. May God provide you with a sense of gratitude this week.

God bless,

Pastor Stewart


The 2007 Advent Event Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, November 25, so now is the time to bring in your contribution. Crafts, gifts, baked goods and services are welcome. Tom Gruendemann will also conduct a live auction during part of the event. In addition to the silent auction, we will be decorating the church and hope to have a craft project for the children. . Auction proceeds benefit Swedlanda’s General Fund. Please contact Deb Rath or Wendy Wulkan if you have any questions.

Pastor Stewart will be attending the Region 3 Global Mission Event as a representative of our Synod on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

The treasurer's books will close on Friday, November 30th. If you are planning to make a contribution that you wish to have included in this year's report, please make it prior to that date. Thank you.

The 2007 Christmas cantata, Mary, Did you Know? will be performed Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7:00 pm at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Olivia. Several Swedlanda members will be participating

Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce Nyhus or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

The Buffalo Lake HFH House will be dedicated on Sunday, December 2 at 2:00 p.m.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Week of November 11

Dear Swedlanda friends and family,

This Sunday we had Swedlanda family Sunday School in the fellowship hall before worship. As usual, Gail D., our resident teacher, did a marvelous job of making everyone feel welcome. After coffee cake, coffee, and juice, we reflected on the seasons of the church year, from Advent through the season following Pentecost. This gave us older folks an opportunity to do some coloring, cutting, and pasting as well. We found Bible verses appropriate to the seasons and sang as well.

Upstairs, in addition to the customary liturgy, lessons, and communion, there was also an opportunity to surround our confirmation students in prayer as they received new Bibles. Jordan A., Zach P., and Brady Z. all received copies of The Message, by Eugene Peterson. They came forward with parents for a laying on of hands and prayer.

Zach’s folks, Todd & Lynn are celebrating an anniversary this coming Wednesday. We remembered them and also those who have been on our prayer list. We added the family of Chad Kramer to our list. Chad was killed in a truck accident near Windom and his funeral is being held at the Redwood Falls Presbyterian Church on Monday. He is a great nephew to Doug and Carol T.

Here are a few announcements for the week. Some events are coming up in connection with Thanksgiving, including a Thanksgiving Eve program and an Advent Event with a silent auction. Have a blessed week.

Pastor Stewart


All are invited to the Habitat For Humanity meeting on Tues, Nov. 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lion’s Den in Buffalo Lake.

The 2007 Christmas cantata, Mary, Did you Know? Will be performed Thursday, Nov. 29 at 7:00 pm at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Olivia. Several Swedlanda members will be participating

Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce Nyhus or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

The 2007 Advent Event Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, November 25, so now is the time to work on your contribution. Crafts, gifts, baked goods and services are welcome. Donations can be brought to the church beginning Nov. 18.

The treasurer's books will close on Friday, November 30th. If you are planning to make a contribution that you wish to have included in this year's report, please make it prior to that date. Thank you.

This year, for Thanksgiving Eve, the Lawburgh family from Hendricks will make a return performance. We look forward to sharing this time of reflection on our blessings. The program begins at 7:00 p.m. and will be followed by fellowship, pie, and coffee. ALL FAMILIES ARE ENCOURAGED TO BRING PIES. The Swedlanda Men In Mission are hosts for the evening. This year, we will not be sharing the event with the Palmyra Covenant Church.

The Thanksgiving Day Service of Holy Communion will be held at 9:30 a.m.

At a meeting held Oct. 7, the congregation voted to approve a recommendation from the council that covered several maintenance/repair projects: Replacement of the parsonage deck ($6-7,000); Church siding to be completed by 2009 ($23-25,000); Belfry floor maintenance; and a plan to replace shingles within 10 years. Your contributions toward these property items are much appreciated. Thank you. Total in the fund: $8,800.

Domestic violence exists in Renville County. Consider the following quote:

“The violence was escalating and I was convinced that he would kill me if I didn’t get out. Shelter House’s Renville County Outreach Program opened its doors to me and helped me plan for my safety. The advocates, Judy and Janine, listened to my story, offered support and taught me about domestic violence. They helped me get back on my feet.” Anonymous

Last year, the Renville County Outreach Program assisted 109 survivors of domestic violence and 27 survivors of sexual assault and for each one there was some potential for homicide. Would you like to help “Make a Difference?” The Renville County Outreach Program, under the direction of Shelter House, Inc., Willmar, is planning the “Make a Difference” fund-raising event for November 30, 5:30 pm at Max’s Grill in Olivia. The event includes banquet dinner, live music, silent auction items for bid, an impacting message of hope, and dancing with the D.J. until late in the evening. The funds raised at this event will be used by the Renville County Outreach Program to assist survivors from the Renville County area in finding safety and planning for a successful future. Tickets for the event cost $25.

The Swedlanda WELCA is donating a quilt for the silent auction. We're looking for people who would like to attend this "Make a Difference" event and help make a difference. Couples or singles makes no difference; we'd like to fill a table for eight. Contact Eileen R, 848-2356, for details and to put your name on the list.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Week of November 4

Greetings from Swedlanda!

We had a nice crowd of people today for All Saint’s Sunday. Erling and LaVaun provided a beautiful basket of plants for our altar today in honor of their 50th anniversary, which fell on Friday of last week. This is the second such anniversary in two weeks! Keith and Julie H. are also celebrating their anniversary this week-the 27th. Everyone present received a gold star as a symbol that they are a Saint of God.

A name was added to our prayer list today. The unofficial hugger of Swedlanda, Olga S., fell at home and broke her tibia. Hopefully she will be home soon, if she is not already.

The Luther League is having a bonfire this evening at 7 p.m. On Wednesday, they will be bagging food at Kids Against Hunger, Cactus Jack’s, Stewart from 4-6 p.m. All are welcome to join them.

Thrivent was having an election of officers today and provided coffee, milk, and cookies in our entryway.

Deb R. also asked me to announce that the Relay for Life team is having a bake sale and will be serving coffee and morning treats this Saturday, Nov. 10 from 9 a.m.- 1 p.m. during Holiday Happenings in Hector. The team will be at the American Legion building.

Here are a few announcements for the week. As usual, my sermon is available through the link on the sidebar. Just let me know if you are having any problems with that.

God bless you this week. Remember that you are a Saint of God.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


Church Family Sunday School will be held next Sunday, Nov. 11. All people of all ages are invited to come to the Fellowship Hall at 9:20 a.m. for a time of sharing and learning together.

HABITAT FOR HUMANITY UPDATE: We completed the painting, installed the kitchen cabinets, and are now in the process of hanging doors and trim. None of it is heavy, hard work so easily handled by women too. We are trying to get everything completed before Thanksgiving so PLEASE consider making time to join us for a day, or even half a day. We start about 8 AM. If anyone can come in the evening, give me a call at 320-523-1008 and I will be there. Blessings on all. Ann

All are invited to the Habitat For Humanity meeting on Tues, Nov. 13 at 7:00 p.m. at the Lion’s Den in Buffalo Lake.

Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce Nyhus or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

The 2007 Advent Event Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, November 25, so now is the time to begin thinking of what you could contribute. Crafts, gifts, baked goods and services are welcome. Donations can be brought to the church beginning Nov. 18.

The treasurer's books will close on Friday, November 30th. If you are planning to make a contribution that you wish to have included in this year's report, please make it prior to that date. Thank you.

The Fall edition of Mosaic is now available on VHS tape in the church library: Understanding Fundamentalism. You may wish to view this at home or use it for a program.

The Swedlanda Church Council will meet on Tuesday, November 6 at 7:00 p.m. Gail D. is the hostess.

Community Events

The Hector Lioness Club will host an Omelet Breakfast today, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at the Hector American Legion Hall. Proceeds for special projects in the community.

Central Lutheran Church, rural Franklin, will have a Fall Supper on Wednesday, November 7, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Menu: Meatballs, Lefse, Potatoes, Dessert and more. $8 for adults.

Our Savior’s Lutheran Church in Bird Island is hosting a Turkey Supper on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 5:00 p.m. See information on the poster on the bulletin board.

The Renville County Veterans Assoc. is having a Pork Chop Dinner at the Fairfax Legion on Sunday, Nov. 11, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Proceeds got towards packages send to service personnel stationed overseas. Please come out on Veterans Day and help our veterans.

The Hector Kiwanis Club is hosting a Skillet Breakfast on Sunday, November 18, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Hector American Legion Hall. The menu includes scrambled eggs and French toast with fruit toppings or syrup, sausage, and beverages. There will be a free-will donation at the door.

A Family Fun Night will be held at First Lutheran, Hector November 18th. There will be games and prizes and entertainment for all, a meal of BBQ sandwiches and a raffle Proceeds from this event benefit the youth of First Lutheran. Details on our bulletin board.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Notice for October 30, 2007

I have received some e-mails from our members warning about a children’s movie called The Golden Compass with an anti-Christian theme that’s being released December 7. I try to be diligent about checking things that are circulated on the internet, as many unfounded rumors are perpetuated this way. I use www.snopes.com routinely to debunk these “urban myths.” A similar website is http://www.truthorfiction.com. Both of these websites confirm the nature of this movie, which could also be viewed as an indictment of religious oppression in the institutionalized church. Adults can make up their own minds, but because children are impressionable, I would not recommend taking them to this movie. For further information, consult http://www.snopes.com/politics/religion/compass.asp or http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/g/golden-compass.htm.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Week of October 28, 2007

Greetings to Swedlanda family and friends,

Today at worship, we had some visitors who were here to celebrate special occasions. In addition to birthdays, we recognized recent and impending anniversaries: Doug & Darlene S. – 50th; Calvin & Mary A. – 19th; Erling & LaVaun D. – 50th. What a blessing to have these couples as a part of our faith community!

Hannah C. was with us to play on the piano for her grandparents’ anniversary; she is very accomplished. Megan S. also played the flute, accompanying the Swedlanda Choir—very beautiful piece. God has graced us with many musically talented people.

Two folks were added to our prayer list: Helen P., mother of Ruth A., who had a fall and resulting broken pelvis; she is recovering and doing well. We also added Rev. Joyce P., who is the Synod minister for our Conference; she has been diagnosed with breast cancer.

The sermon for the day is What Does This Mean?—a title chosen to reflect the fact that this is Reformation Sunday. You should be able to access it if you chose to with the link on the sidebar.

I distributed an article encouraging daily prayer to the mailboxes of our members. We have been given permission to use it in our congregation, so I am copying it in a box on the sidebar. Just scroll down until you find it. It is copyrighted material, so please don’t redistribute it without permission. I encourage you to use it for fourteen days, as suggested by the author.

I have added a few announcements below. May you have a grace-filled week.

In Christ,

Pastor Stewart


A message from the Habitat For Humanity site co-supervisor, Ann: Well, I hope you have all missed my weekly updates!!! My computer was "down" for four weeks so I am glad to be up and running again. Eric Fennern finished the mudding, taping and spraying two weeks age, we completed the painting, installed the kitchen cabinets, and are now in the process of hanging doors and trim. We can REALLY use some extra hands as we finish up with the detail work. With our steady crew of retired farmers still out in the fields, we need some new volunteers. None of it is heavy, hard work so easily handled by women too. We are trying to get everything completed before Thanksgiving so PLEASE consider making time to join us for a day, or even half a day. We start about 8 AM. If anyone can come in the evening, give me a call at 320-523-1008 and I will be there. We should have ceiling lights installed this week so won't have to work in the dark!!! Blessings on all. Ann

The Swedlanda Women of the ELCA will have a Unit Meeting on Thursday, November 1 at 1:30 p.m.

The Wednesday morning Bible Study begins at 8:00 a.m. each week. Please bring your Bible and join us. No advance preparation.

Swedlanda has pledged $300 per year for 5 years to build a library for Melpattambakkam Girls School in India through Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry. A jar has been placed on the narthex table for your donations. Thank you for your help with this important mission.

It’s time to begin practice on the 2007 Christmas cantata, Mary, Did you Know? by David Guthrie & Bruce Greer. Rehearsals are planned for 5:30 pm on Tuesdays & Wednesdays October 30, 31, Nov. 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, & 28, (if needed). Rehearsal location: Olivia’s Faith United Methodist Church, 202 South 9th St. Concert Date: Thursday, November 29, - 7:00 pm (After the Electric Light Parade) at St. Aloysius Catholic Church in Olivia. See Deb R. for information

Pastor Stewart will be attending a Congregational Mission & Leadership meeting on Thursday evening at our Seminary in St. Paul. The meeting will be followed by a two-day Consultation on the Missional Church, Friday and Saturday. These events focus on the mission of our local congregation and the church at large and are closely connected with the Doctor of Ministry program.

The Swedlanda Luther League is planning a bonfire for Sunday, November 4 at 7:00 p.m.

The Luther League is also planning a service trip to “Kids Against Hunger” at Cactus Jack’s, Stewart on Wednesday, Nov. 7, 4-6 p.m. to help bag food. All are invited to join them!

The 2007 Advent Event Silent Auction will be held on Sunday, November 25, so now is the time to begin thinking of what you could contribute. Crafts, gifts, baked goods and services are welcome. Donations can be brought to the church beginning Nov. 18.

Habitat For Humanity Raffle tickets are now available!! This year, the Grand Prize is a candy apple red 2008 Ford Mustang convertible. Other prizes include a 15” Lap Top Computer, $500 cash, Apple I Pod 80 GB Video, and 27” Digital Color TV. Tickets are $50 and may be purchased from HFH Board members, Joyce Nyhus or Pastor Stewart. The drawing will be held on February 3, 2008.

Minnesota Valley Conference Ambassadors In Mission (AIM)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Christ Lutheran Church, 1820 Knight Ave N., Glencoe

Program: Efi Tembon, Wycliffe Missionary- Cameroon

Coffee: 9:30 a.m. Program 10:00 a.m.