“The mission of Swedlanda Lutheran Church, as people called and sent by God's Spirit, is to serve the Word of Jesus Christ to all people.”

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Voting Results on a Multiple Area Parish

Dear Swedlanda Members,

At 10:45 a.m. today, September 15, over fifty voting members of Swedlanda gathered after worship to vote on entering into a Multiple Area Parish relationship with three other congregations, First Lutheran, Hector, St. Paul’s Lutheran, Hector, and St. Paul’s Lutheran, Stewart. Votes were tallied in the four congregations and sent in to Randy Pederson of Stewart, who then forwarded the outcome to members of the MAP committee and pastors. The results of the vote are as follows:

First Lutheran in Hector:           Resolution Failed
St. Paul's Lutheran in Hector:        Resolution Passed
St. Paul's Lutheran in Stewart:        Resolution Failed
Swedlanda Lutheran of Hector:        Resolution Passed

The resolution required that all congregations be in agreement, so the resolution failed.

I would like to express my appreciation to the MAP committee members who have been working over the past few years on forming a Multiple Area Parish. I recognize that some of our members will feel disappointment about the outcome and some will feel relief. My hope and prayer is that Swedlanda will continue forward under God’s guidance with a deepened appreciation of the mission that God has entrusted to us. There may be other opportunities ahead of which we are not aware, but we know that in all things, God is faithful. I encourage you to keep considering the answer to the question, What would God have us do?

Thank you for your faithfulness and prayerful concern. I am happy to be Swedlanda Lutheran’s pastor and look forward to our continuing ministry together as partners in the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Stewart

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Welcome Mason!

Anna and Jeremy Olson have a new addition to their family. Mason was born in the Hutchinson hospital on June 17, 2012, weighed seven pounds, fourteen ounces, and was twenty inches long. After a brief stay at Gillette Children's Hospital, Mason is now at home with his big brother, Mitchell, who is obviously quite proud.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Swedlanda Sunday School Christmas Program

After being delayed a week by a snowstorm, the Sunday School Christmas Program was finally held at Swedlanda. An unlikely angel narrated the tale. Following the morning's activities, the Esther Circle held their Christmas program.

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Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Big Blizzard of December 2010

Snowfall and high winds made it necessary to cancel Sunday morning worship and the Sunday School Christmas Program. On Saturday evening, someone got stuck in front of the church in the drifted snow; after an hour or so, they were able to get out with the help of a tractor. On Sunday morning, the plow arrived before 8 a.m., but no parking was available until faithful snow blowers arrived to clean everything up. You could say it was a storm of Biblical proportions, but it would be an overstatement. Hopefully, it will be possible to have the the Sunday School Christmas Program next Sunday.

Pastor Stewart

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Advent Event at Swedlanda

Our Annual Advent Event was great. Many came for worship followed by a silent/live auction, lunch and church decorating. Doris Johnson provided a beautiful banner for the season also. We also introduced a new project through the ELCA Good Gifts program: a new well which will provide clean water for a village. We are raising $2,500 for the project.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Workday at Swedlanda!

On Tuesday, the Men of Swedlanda arrived to clean up branches and trees on the grounds of the church and parsonage. As you can see, they brought plenty of equipment with them.

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